Clockwork Orange

It takes a special level of stupid to see otherwise liberal people not getting on board with this, and then choose to double down. They followed you all the way, until you went full woketard and started saying men can give birth. Then they hopped off the ride.

Come on, now. Netflix isn’t the only one milking Dave for views.

I do like to stay on top of things!

That’s incorrect. Dave and his fans/audience would watch transpeople die with a somber look on their faces and only show glee after they are confirmed dead.

You came here to say the F word?

Who cares about Squids? Are we done whining about Dave Chappelle? He’s still at large!

Must have taken a lot of energy for you to not use the -gger ending, eh, Greg?

You do know wypipo own the Root, right, Greg? This sort of is a plantation. I mean, its called the Root.

I notice none of Netflix’s black employees resigned. Why is that?

Not at all. Love that your offended. Just telling you that your whining doesnt matter and wont change anything.

Gregory, you sexist moron. Take your penis out of this women’s issue.

It was an incorrect comparison. Most people would actually eat fake meat and not know the difference.

You provide ad revenue to 4 or 5 conservative shitstain places daily? No wonder you idiots keep losing. Don’t support the other side.

But if you know the answer, why spend a para rambling about shit?

What about preachers? They are in danger of getting jizzed on by little boys thanks to Dave! Someone has to cancel this bigot.

We have another “no”.

So that’s a no, then?

Yes, watching a show that offends you is certainly a choice.

And in every single instance the murderers had just watched a comedy special, before entering a violent transphobic rage. Fortunately, there were no trans people nearby when I was viewing or someone could have been badly hurt!