Absolutely. Don’t give your money to evil Netflix. Support Bezos or Disney instead!
Absolutely. Don’t give your money to evil Netflix. Support Bezos or Disney instead!
Good to see corporate America standing up for a black man.
Its funny how the morons whining about Dave being team TERF can’t refute the basic fact that only women can give birth. Maybe that’s why JK Rowling is still going strong.
Cocksucker? That is such a homophobic insult. Shame on you disgusting fuck.
Its a true testament to how annoying wokesters are that most will cheer anything that gets them pissed off.
Netflix is not woke? Oh no. What will you watch now? Can’t give money to Bezos or Disney. Maybe just stick to Pornhub?
I bow before your purity.
Carlin should be cancelled for going on Bill Maher’s show.
Are you sure ? I saw Terminator 2 and I’ve been blasting bad guys with my shotgun ever since.
Generally people get more conservative as they get older/richer. So you just need to stay young or poor forever.
Well, that’s it then. Master comedian necgray has spoken. No one understands the craft of comedy quite like singular they.
Don’t the LBGTQs watch all the gay Netflix shows already?
It made money because people watched it. The subtle message is a tiny bunch of whiny idiots can’t ruin other people’s entertainment.
I too enjoyed it when he made fun of people I dont like, but now that he’s mocking the chosen peoples he must be cancelled!
I do. That’s why I’m counting on you to watch the next special and be even more offended. Its like clockwork.
Nobody has any understanding of what TERFs are. Most people live on earth not Twitter.
I absolutely love the fact that morons take the time to watch shows that offend them.
Yes, I am eager to devote my time to explain his special to you since your idiotic opinions are so important to us all.
Space Chappelle? Its pretty mindblowing that you morons refuse to realize just how broad the opposition to you is.
You do know that he didnt really cum on a preacher’s face right?