
I would never wear these in my Real Life, but god the under eyebrows ones would make me feel like a sci fi anime princess and I wish I could wear them clubbing with my most ridiculous shades of Urban Decay Eyeshadow.

Be a sexual slave or your marriage will die.

I just really don't think it's fair to blame these moms for the fact they got overexcited about their new babies and then someone took the photos and used them for creepy roleplay.

I saw a good response to that today, which I am going to use. Here it is:

"I honestly don't know what to say when people are all "My parents used to beat me up and I'm fine! Lol.""

I honestly don't know what to say when people are all "My parents used to beat me up and I'm fine! Lol."

Humanity continues to disappoint me. Whoever thinks that it's cool to support a dude who literally beat a 4 year old so hard he went to the hospital is an absolute piece of shit person.

I'm pretty sure Mark just got a copy of the script for Death Proof 2 and mistook it for an actual news story. Meanwhile I'm going to go shut down my OKCupid profile for completely unrelated reasons.

"I just love when women are able to see who the real enemy is: MEN MEN MEN MEN ALWAYS MEN."

ironically enough female strippers have a higher than normal rate of physically abusive fathers.

I'm sure your 3-year old appreciated your thoughtful and detailed explanation.

I'm keeping my baby of the pole. By any means necessary.

Corollary to this: a lot of the people that say "my parents beat me and I turned out great" are not such wonderful poster children for that theory as they seem to imagine.

I've started to notice the people that say "Don't tell me how to raise my kids!" are the exact people that need to be told how to raise their kids.

Who puts an uzi into a 9 year old girl's hands?!?!?!?!

White clothes and some thin fabrics. You can see a white or colored bra through them, so one that matches your skin tone looks a lot less conspicuous. As a Whitey McWhiterson, I've never had to think about it (privilege and all that) but I'm glad it exists for women of color now.

Janay Rice says she deeply regrets the role that she played the night of the incident.

That must make their students of color feel so supported. Way to be, teachers. Thanks for making the rest of us look bad.

Something to consider: Perhaps you should consider having the parking brake on your car fixed and stop using your phones as a chock-block?

It's because your two-year old already know the iPhone is useless, boring and no fun to play with. Congratulations, s/he got the priorities right already now. :)