
Someone tried saying the same about Gary Busey, but he's got a more creepy vibe.

My god. Thank you for sharing your story. And thank you for being honest about the pressure to have a so-called thick skin when it comes to degrading, sexist, and sometimes violent behavior. We've been taught for so long to just take it. All of it.

The really great thing about being an "old woman" is I have money now, and I don't have to shop in H&M anymore.

I get pretty upset when southern Cali girls spread their weird judgements and social bias in blog comments. It makes me uncomfortable when I see stupid, intolerant people posting online.

I presume that you are going to retire all your cute clothing and wear nothing but loose fitting sweatshirts, elastic-waist mom jeans and crocs when you turn 29, then?

That seems like a personal problem.

Dad passed away last year. One year ago today was the last time I talked to him. Miss you daddy.

Cool. Always wanted to die of petrussis. Thanks Obama.

Good call - assume it is all the anti-vax peeps, and nothing to do with the growing population from other countries who may not know any better for a variety of reasons.

I think it'd be weird to be her son, in that situation.

Katy Perry's tweet made me think of this:

Here he is!

Maybe it's just me, but all I can see are child brides in their wedding portraits. Those poses are super creepy and couple-y. Not how I looked when I posed with my dad at my wedding, or any pictures. Ergh.

Fixed it for you.

I blame the person holding the phone wrong. If it was in landscape, she wouldn't have had to lean over that candle.

...what if it just died? Then the shark sank, then the animal was eaten by decomposers at the sea floor and then the tracking device came loose and floated back up?

Aw, I have a similar epically romantic proposal. While my future husband and I were shopping for maternity clothes (yeah, I was knocked up), we stopped at a mall food court for lunch at Arby's and mid-bite of some roast beef I heard his sweet words: "Soooo do you want to get married soon errr...?" I made him sweat it

Thanks for sharing your measurements! They are relevant!

Theres no debate on whether its okay for a straight guy (I'm tired of the pseudo intellectual "cisgender heterosexual" Tumblr speak) wants to date a trans woman, or if a trans woman is a woman. I merely scoffed at the iinsistence on the word "real" to refer to trans women because quite literally they are not "real"