
The thing is, Betty Page never looked bored in her S&M pictures, she made it look fun. I have been seeing faux-lesbian Bette Page inspired pretend bondage fashion shots for 30 odd years. That's about as long as Madonna has been boring me. If I get any more shocked, I will fall into a coma.

Men: The Ultimate Accessory

What's your thoughts on Jamie Foxx in Ray? I thought he was incredible in it, although he doesn't look a whole lot like the real Ray Charles, but got the demeanor perfectly. The tricky bit there is that Jamie Foxx was already a Name then, although it his performance in Ray and resulting Oscar that really took him to

They live in California. This kid was up at at least 3:30am for this, I would fall back asleep too.

The initial lime season this year was delayed because of heavy rain and the prices were super, super high because of the shortage. I work at a bar, they were about $80-$100 a case instead of $40 or $50 a case. Then Mexican drug cartels got involved and the price went up even higher because they were robbing lime

Actually, Dr. Phil, unless you're a trained fire fighter, when the house is on fire you should GTFO.

This is better than my INSIDER BEYONCE INFO from someone who has worked with her who I knew when I was writing for TV, which is: Beyonce is a huge pothead.

Jay Z is 6'3 with like 80 pounds on Solange. Solange looks like she's an ugly drunk who may have done this before. Beyonce trusted her husband to handle himself without hurting her sister. Solange is the real problem here

Booze doesn't need cocaine's help to make people mean.

Yeah like maybe she's just an angry drunk. I've known people like that and I think it's fair to say the best thing to do is ignore them (like Jay and B seem to be doing).

Little does she know that they're holding hands because they're plotting against her!

This woman definitely describes menstrual cycles as "the tears of a disappointed uterus."

Don't believe that rape is a normalized aspect of mdern american culture? The hacker that outed the Steubenville rapists is doing more time, under the code of law, than the rapists. So hacking a Facebook account is more of a crime than rape. Enjoy.

Good on you

I honestly couldn't imagine life without my little girl. There's the occasional bad moment, but the good times far outweigh the bad. I can see her growing up and turning into a cool and wonderful person every day, and know the world is a better place with her in it. Anyone that says they regret having kids were never

Really? We all complain from time to time, but I don't know anyone who actually regrets having them or would tell someone else not to. I'm not 100% overjoyed by my kids every moment of every day but just thinking about not having them makes me well up. On the days they are particularly irritating or exhausting my

Just curious and don't want to assume, but are those parents with more than one kid? My son is an only child (and a handful), but I feel like I would probably be more inclined to make that type of comment if I had two kids or more. In my experience with families I know, the parenting stress level just goes up

Would anyone have seen that picture and actually thought it was a photograph of one of the kidnapped girls? Like, someone happened to come round and take professional quality shots of them right before they were abducted? Really? It looks like it's just a stock photo. It's unfortunate that the photo was used