
I believe that there are certain qualities that may be worthy of rape.

Or you could just fund a decent zoo like we have in Seattle

Hipster Elizabeth Bathory says "I was into this before it was cool."

Oh sure, when I say this, people think I'm weird.

But they are just acrobats and performers. They aren't the ones exploiting the animals.

This person has some awesome photography! I'm definitely following.

I need a Photoshop genius to put Cumberbatch and Hiddles faces on those otters now, please.

My first comment about Frano's pic was "He looks moist"

I've never heard of an allergic reaction flaring up again after it was disposed of. Why do celebrities always have weird medical issues? Is it just code for drug problem?

My point was that the existence of a sonogram showing she was pregnant doesn't in any way prove she had an abortion. She may have, or may not have. Either way, Mayweather's a dick of the highest order.

Being from Oklahoma she should seriously know better. I must be feeling extra sensitive today because my blood is boiling.

Let he who hasn't used an Instagram filter cast the first stone.


I am going to have to give this article the full read through it deserves after work, but may I just say thank you Jamie for delivering such a detailed article. This was absolutely fascinating. I would be interested in a follow up if they do determine when consciousness turns on in a fetal brain.

I was really struck by this article that this couple could possibly survive if they had enough money to leave the country....or maybe enough money to buy off the girls' family (possibly?). I know journalists are supposed to stay objective and not interfere in the lives of the people they write about, but at some

I'm mesmerized by January Jones's eyeliner and ear bling.