Stephen Baker

Yep. I agree with that list. Though I would add at the top - A mustang leaving cars and coffee.

Does the Acura MDX facilitate the practice of extreme medicine?

I was hoping for a substantial, thoughtful analysis on these particular customers, but I’m afraid of deep things.

This lovely man came in every day, I burned his bread, and he left a $5.00 tip on a $4.00 meal. One time, he heard me (quietly, I swear) talking to another waitress about how I couldn’t afford to have my other cat spayed yet, and when he left, I found $100.00 under the cup for my cat.

that’s the way I remember it, one long string of words, like Finnegan’s Wake, all scrunched together. it’s art-lit, a word picture, multi-media and new-age.

That gif was mesmerizing.

If a Gawker article asks a question, the answer s almost always ‘no’.