
But that’s kind of the point of the movie - that Ken (and by extension, the modern American man) is put in an untenable position where he’s told by the system that his entire worth as a man rest in his ability to get a woman as his girlfriend. He doesn’t even know what to do with a girlfriend, he just needs to have

Barbie didn’t do anything to Ken, it wasn’t her fault that he decided to tie his self worth to her approval. Barbie wasn’t even interested in Ken romantically, as she kept telling him throughout the movie. 

But was the movie really, really, really, really good?  (Just teasing about the typo.)

I was absolutely blown away. It was amazing. In so many ways bigger and better than the first movie. There was so much movie and so much art. It’s the Spiderverse team flexing and making an impact on the animation industry yet again.
However... I’ve got to say the action and the heart, the out there plot and the

Or inconsiderate dick-holes are always inconsiderate dick-holes.

I guess the folks that were anti-seat belt and pro-indoor smoking were able to spawn a few times before exiting the gene pool. 

Unfortunately, they might take us with them (from either COVID, car wreck, or hunting accident).

Study: Morons who are dumb in one situation are also dumb in other situations.

You forgot motorcycle helmets.

The Gubrermint can’t tell me how to drive, and it can’t make me get that 5G tracking shot neither.

In related news: antivaxxers continue to carry Darwin’s theories to fruition - even when behind the wheel.

Hm, yes, that math is indeed pretty off.

I’m not sure why copying from the linked article was so hard:

...0.5 percent of the cars in Russia are EVs — that’s just 13,000 cars in a national fleet of 45 million...

I bet that’s not even a real guitar he’s playing.

If anyone wants to write a browser extension that lets me know when I’m consuming content from racists, I’d appreciate it.

That’s exactly what I was going to say. In a world where so many people double-, triple-, and quadruple-down on their ignorant comments and selfish actions (e.g., the Ice Poseidon story from yesterday), this is the most refreshing and humble thing I’ve seen in a long time.

“Human life is a lot more expendable south of the border, where they don’t look as much like us!” - the west, through the entirety of civilization

All of that up there is stuff Elon is pulling ex recto.”


Baker’s dozen maybe?