
All true. But really if the main connective storyline of the movies is the Skywalkers (as Kat Kennedy has stated) then Plagueis is the person who started that story by screwing with the force which created Anakin to begin with (canon source: Tarkin).

That analogy doesn’t work I’m afraid. It’s a false equivalency of sorts.

Nope, it’s also mentioned in “Tarkin” which is canon.

I’m baffled why this requires more than a few lines of dialogue. Grandparents and kids aren’t stupid. I’m a giant Star Wars nerd and my young niece and nephew can tell ME more about the Old Republic than I could tell them.

It’s a good point. Plagueis (if he avoided his apprentice’s attempt at murdering him as we’d have to assume) might have been smart enough to sit back in the shadows and watched as his apprentice rose and fell (getting rid of the Jedi as a bonus) and bided his time in the shadows. Then the galaxy gets rid of the Empire

Yes, but we’ve not only met the Emperor, but his earlier incarnation Sidious...all this reveal requires is to let us know that Snoke/DP trained him and was his master. You require no more set up than that...the rest can unfold on screen in real time. It’s not a huge leap at all.

They have not that I know of...but that doesn’t mean they can’t or won’t if it suits their purposes.

Sidebar: If you love the owe it to yourself to give the Silmarillion a read. It’s incredible. Like an Elvish religious tome. Stunning.

And that’s fair. But I think ascribing the idea of distancing from the prequels is reaching. They are certianly trying to ape the OT by recapturing what made those great...but it would be silly to not mention prequel stuff eventually.

That the new villain is the guy who trained the old villain and then hid out while the old villain tried to grasp power forever and failed?

Paul, I like your comments normally, but even this is below your intelligence. The idea that an audience needs to have a back catalogue of knowledge to make a new villain bear weight is silly. It just needs a few carefulyl placed lines of dilaogue and exposition in EpVIII.

AND Lords of the Sith by Paul S. Kemp, also canon.

Sorry, but who is “no one”?

Plagueis is not a Munn in New Canon. His race hasn’t yet been specified.

Nah, it was burned off in Revenge of the Sith, and Luke is in his 60’s with a full head of luxurious greying hair.

If you see him as the mastermind behind the entire saga (including the canon note that he and Palpatine are resposnible for Anakin’s immaculate birth) then it is less pointless lore-mongering as tying everything together in a clever way. They’d have to do it right, but if they do you basically have an established

I still wanted it to be a sequel, not a I aim a bit of ire at Fieg for not using what came before as a backdrop/universe...but I’m interested to see if this is decent. I’m scared it will make a parody of things though, I’m not going to lie.

Ugh...that plotline was so predictable from the moment Ward stepped through the portal. I’m going to hate every moment of the Not-Ward plotline unless the Shield team figure it out right away and call him something else. I don’t want a strung along plotline of “Hey, Ward is crazy now...what’s up with him...” The

The Plagueis theory has a few more bits and bobs supporting it.