Alan Kistler

You're doing all the crying over the word THIN. How demented is that? I bet you're still upset about it. All your whining and the company is still called ThinkThin. Your pointless outrage sure changed the world.

Since when is THIN such an awful word? I'm pretty sure you're being oversensitive. If the name was such a problem, ThinkThink would suffer as a business and change their name but they're not bothered at all.

If the word "thin" offends you, that's your problem that you should evaluate. The company is doing just fine with their name. Guys have their own marketing of looking muscular, having hair, etc. It's nothing really to get triggered or offended by. Beauty standards and marketing language exist for both genders. Your

So that name is enough to trigger you? Thin is a derogatory word? If you go on their website it says nothing about weight loss. It's a protein bar that's described as a health and fitness solution

What's so offensive? Men have just as much pressure to look like muscle-bound hunks. Except apparently women being fit is more offensive to women than men being fit is to men.

It's called marketing and gendered language. If gendered language didn't work in marketing, it wouldn't exist. Male targeted products have their own gendered words and yes male superheroes are used for male health/fitness products. This is no different. Men have just as much pressure to look like muscle-bound hunks.

What makes "Thin" such a negative word to you? All the people who are offended should think thin if that's enough to trigger them. It's just a marketing name. If you actually go on their website, there's nothing said about weight loss. It's a protein bar that's described as a health product.

I'm not sure why the AVclub is picking up dumb clickbait articles from TheMarySue. Glad most people in the comments are making fun of this because it's not real news. Despite the deceiving brand name, it's a protein bar and every superhero character has been licensed to health/fitness merchandise.

I'm not sure why the AVclub is picking up dumb clickbait articles from TheMarySue. Glad most people in the comments are making fun of this because it's not real news. Despite the deceiving brand name, it's a protein bar and every superhero character has been licensed to health/fitness merch.

If people spent more effort on intelligent interpretation than being snarky, then they wouldn't be so butthurt over my comment. That's just how stupid internet culture has become. People prioritize making snarky and sarcastic comments to get meaningless "likes" to the extent that their critical thinking has

I bet art museums are empty because the reaction to this pic shows how people don't know how to interpret an image anymore. Clearly this promo image was a joke. Look at his shocked facial expression as if he's as surprised as everyone else looking at him. That means it's not how he even expected to look. It doesn't