
Wont be worse than the last 4 years with the imbecile puppet in office! Do you even realize he created 40% of all US currency ever created in 15 months backed by nothing? The real reason for record inflation in the us! You even understand how many hundreds of billions of dollars buying washed into his friends and

“Jalopnik published another crap story!" 

Until they exceed 500+ miles on a charge they’re not practical for travel camping! VW also has zero infrastructure in the country for Fast/Supercharging. This will be a huge failure with only 200 miles on a charge! 10 year old battery technically! 

Unfortunately VDub dropped the ball on Mileage! Seems like they’re using 10 year old battery technically! Really can’t believe they’re coming to market with a 200mi range EV/camper bus... This has to be a joke! 500 - 600 mi should be the range with current available technically. Or even a hydrogen EV hybrid. Come on

TDIs were best engines on the road! 

Thier TDIs were best engines on the road! That's atleast until EPA/government put a rope around their neck! GMs these days I'd say are the worst unfortunately! ~ Former GM guy

Volkswagen was excelling with its TDIs, with my wife averaged 57 mpg in city/highway driving and over 70 mpg on pure highway driving. It was the most economical midsize engine available. Unfortunately, no American manufacturer, especially GM, could compete. Right after GM’s bailout, it seemed the government was eager

My Tesla cost less and will blow its doors off!!!

I’ve always had a GM vehicle in front of my house! I wont be buying another one in the future! They keep moving their plants to Mexico and their vehicles are just not competing anymore...Not to mention WAY over priced Mexico junk! GM might be too far behind to ever catch up...Closing plants and shipping them to other