
Yes but that doesn't change the fact that Ayaan Ali Hirsi gave testimony admitting to lying on her asylum application, the exact same lies that form the basic sketch of her life as found in the biography. If I had access to youtube at work I'd find the video where admits point by point the lies she had told.

Okay, asshole, riddle me this. If Islam is such a monolithic entity, why is it that FGM is not practiced universally across the entire Dar-al-Islam? Also, you do know how Hadithic isnads work, yes? And so not all hadiths are considered equally credible?

I'm not sure why its more associated with Islamic nations as it is just as common in Christian Ethiopia as in Muslim Somalia and as common among Christian Nigerians as Muslim Nigerians.

I will note that somehow in the Hanafi fiqh, the Hanbali fiqh, the Maliki fiqh and the Jafari fiqh (and other Shii practice) the hadith you cite does not exist. That covers over 80% of all Muslims. This is not part of "Islam" because "Islam" is not a monolith. The majority of girls that suffer FGM are Christians, if

And this is what Wikipedia has to say about that particular Hadith:

I have no idea about the circumcision, and if she did go through that I completely sympathize with her over the unnecessary brutality of what was done to her body without her consent. However before people go to her biography and start absorbing her hateful lies, I thought I should point out that she admitted to

I think this is an interesting topic and it always garners a lot of attention from the media and the public. While popular discourse uses the term "Female Genital Mutilation" or "FGM", Female Genital Cutting is a better phrase to use. Mutilation is a strongly loaded word and invites the most ergreious images, while

I imagine like the 90 percent of African woman that have it done to them and then live full, normal lives unaware that they are broken or damaged because that is how they are thought of by first world feminists.

You formatted your post wrong. "Cue the ignorance in 3...2...1..." was supposed to go at the TOP.

Hey book has been proven to be largely fabricated. She admitted as much in several interviews and lost her Dutch citizenship for the many lies she told about her biography over the years.

Its a cultural practice that happens in some Muslim countries but not all. FGM is unheard of in countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan. It is not a Muslim practice anymore than it is a Christian practice.Just as there are hadith that permit eating horse among horse eating Central Asian Kazakhs, and there

Indeed, the discussion here is Iran. As covered in this instance by Western interests, who, as Sizor sister points out, makes a lot of Iranian and other Muslim women uncomfortable because they associate "de-veiling" with freedom and "covering up" with oppression. My point is that we need to be critical of who is

"Please note that the countries with hijab "ban" laws you listed are exclusively focused on public schools and sometimes workers in public spaces"

Actually, several western countries have imposed (or are attempting to impose) strict modesty policies of another kind. They are forcing Muslim women to de-veil. See for example Turkey, France, Canada and Germany.

What is also oppressive is forcing women to take off their coverings, and stripping them of their choice to cover up. This is the kind of oppressive de-veiling legislation that is being advocated in multiple western countries.

Wow, that's not what the OP said at all.

It's so nice to hear a nuanced and knowledgeable opinion. The comments on this article are so full of condescension, paternalism, xenophobia and White Fucking Feminism. I was so full of rage the third or fourth time I heard Sudan referred to as "that place" or someone wonder why she would stay there even though she

And you're our favourite Islamophob here. You always come out of the woods the moment Islam is mentioned, do you have a google alert for this or something?!

Sizor_sister is absolutely correct that this woman was never in danger of being executed. Look, the NCP has a playbook and is actually a quite readable and predictable regime. Part of their MO is to do something dramatic, and dramatically shitty, and calculated to provoke a media feeding frenzy, and then back down.

In the video I saw, the first woman picks a fight with a guy for 47 seconds before he loses his temper and kicks her. I don't know what happened before that. Then there was a wrestling match between him and her, and when her pal tries to make it two-on-one, his dreadlocked pal slaps her away, and a second scuffle