
Indeed, the discussion here is Iran. As covered in this instance by Western interests, who, as Sizor sister points out, makes a lot of Iranian and other Muslim women uncomfortable because they associate "de-veiling" with freedom and "covering up" with oppression. My point is that we need to be critical of who is

"Please note that the countries with hijab "ban" laws you listed are exclusively focused on public schools and sometimes workers in public spaces"

Actually, several western countries have imposed (or are attempting to impose) strict modesty policies of another kind. They are forcing Muslim women to de-veil. See for example Turkey, France, Canada and Germany.

What is also oppressive is forcing women to take off their coverings, and stripping them of their choice to cover up. This is the kind of oppressive de-veiling legislation that is being advocated in multiple western countries.

Wow, that's not what the OP said at all.

It's so nice to hear a nuanced and knowledgeable opinion. The comments on this article are so full of condescension, paternalism, xenophobia and White Fucking Feminism. I was so full of rage the third or fourth time I heard Sudan referred to as "that place" or someone wonder why she would stay there even though she

And you're our favourite Islamophob here. You always come out of the woods the moment Islam is mentioned, do you have a google alert for this or something?!

Sizor_sister is absolutely correct that this woman was never in danger of being executed. Look, the NCP has a playbook and is actually a quite readable and predictable regime. Part of their MO is to do something dramatic, and dramatically shitty, and calculated to provoke a media feeding frenzy, and then back down.

In the video I saw, the first woman picks a fight with a guy for 47 seconds before he loses his temper and kicks her. I don't know what happened before that. Then there was a wrestling match between him and her, and when her pal tries to make it two-on-one, his dreadlocked pal slaps her away, and a second scuffle

This is most definitely and undeniably awful and transphobic, but after watching uncensored video, I have disagree with your characterization of certain elements. The woman in question was not "stripped." She was rapidly made naked because there's no way a tube top and skirt are going to stay on the course of a

Isn't this kind of like reading something that some student group has put on a petition, and saying "Such and such might happen"?

Ah yes, the state bashing game, which I'm sure is EXACTLY what Kat had in mind when she wrote this article. Now how many articles on Prop 8 do I need to link to in order to show how much your state's politicians care.

Ignorant? Ignorant is whining that a fairly religious nation views non religious people in an untrusting way. It's like atheists are trying to become the newest protected class, or something.

You left out that they cancelled her campaign after she retweeted an offer of pornographic images in exchange for donations, which is explicitly against WePay's TOS.

There's 1 billion people following that religion. I'm an atheist and a realist and I have friends that are Muslim that do not deserve your mindless scorn. Simply raging against that religion is stupid. What is your solution exactly? De-convert 1 billion people? Nuke 1 billion people with so my hydrogen bombs

Yeah, it's too bad Nigeria isn't more Atheist like China so all the female infants could be aborted/murdered. That's a hell of a lot better than waiting until they're in high school.

Well, after all the photoshop these picture go thought they might as well be digital paintings.

It's mock-worthy because of class and race.

I know it's funny to think that the woman who called 911 on McDonald's was calling to complain that they were out of McNuggets, but she actually called because she ordered and paid, then was told that what she had ordered wasn't available and that she had to order something else. She didn't want something else, and

Good for these women! Here's a reminder of why the IMF is terrible: