Ok, everyone here is talking about the damn sex tape. Let it go, people. Let's talk about the real story here:
You can post that link until the cows come home. It doesn't change the fact that Kim Kardashian is a total outlier in the sex tape business. Plenty of white reality starlet's sex tapes have gotten out over the years. And none of them, except Kardashian, has moved past it into other non-sex-related profitable…
Does she have a sex tape?
Yeah, this article was a little weird. Definitely shouldn't shame people for masturbating but really? It's not necessary, at least not for everyone. I like sex, big fan, but I've never really felt the urge to masturbate. I tried a couple times cause I was bored and got over it. Maybe I'm strange because I don't think…
Not loving the way masturbation is being sold as a panacea for everyone here. Yes, we should aim to make sure that women aren't holding out on masturbating because they think it makes them dirty or sinful, but that doesn't mean everyone must masturbate in order to show what enlightened, empowered women they are. If…
So the big secret is that the publicly available podcast she produces espouses her widely-known conservative political and religious beliefs, which she doesn't espouse on the Today show because espousing her political and religious beliefs isn't in the job description? What a complete non-story.
Question: Are we sure this photo was taken with the intent that it be posted on the Internet? Or is it a revenge porn photo that went viral—in which case, it really would disappoint me that Jezebel reposted it, no matter how much it has been reposted elsewhere.
Money isn't speech. The intent to use it to fund things that are legal is the nuance of it. The intent to use it to fund something illegal will still be illegal. It's not about the money. It's about the fact they ruled corporations have the same right of free speech as an individual.
Well informed activist is arrested doing something she knows is illegal. News at 11.
Forced marriages, as this one clearly was, are forbidden in Islamic law. The marriage was not just illegal, but Islamically impermissible, as the bride did not consent freely.
That prophet also didn't consummate that marriage until she was old enough to start menstruation. Still to young by modern standards but hardly uncommon for the time. Not like the Christian Bible doesn't have similar stories that are portrayed in a positive light.
If that's what you meant why didn't you just say it? Think of all the time we would've saved.
They get the pastries elsewhere and pass them off as their own.
You a cop?
Kidding... this is not legal advice, but from what I can tell embedding a Youtube video that itself violates a copyright is not a copyright violation itself (i.e. the person who uploaded it to Youtube violated Fox's copyright, Jezebel did not violate Fox's copyright by embedding said video).
To be fair, that's the least amount of yelling I've ever seen out of Gordon Ramsey on Kitchen Nightmares. I think he was trying to actually be gentle, in his own misguided way, when he realized just how off the chain this woman was.
It still manages to be racists against non-whites by making out non-whites as "exotic" and sets the false standard that being white is normal and baseline (basic).
As an African American former Alabamian, can I ask you where you live? That racism has just not been my experience. There's always the possibility that I was around very polite white people that were cautious of what they said around me, but I may have just been around different people based on geography.