Shut up. You have no idea what you're talking about and you're making yourself look like an ignorant racist.
Shut up. You have no idea what you're talking about and you're making yourself look like an ignorant racist.
I don't know what you mean by "full veil" and I assume you mean niqab, but you're not exactly correct. It actaully isn't the law that women have to "veil." The law only says that women have to wear an abaya (long black cloak). In many places though, non-Muslim women do wear a head covering (hijab or shayla) to avoid…
I was saying that the episode itself sparked a moral panic. It made seem like it was a popular thing for Black men to do and something that only Black men did, which isn't true. I remember the months and years after the show where almost every Black woman was questioning the sexuality of her partner. Not to mention…
She vilified Black men just make a spectacle for her show. "The down low" phenomenon isn't really a thing.
That's a very arrogant and ignorant response. You cannot ignore the fucked up relationship the medical establishment has had with people living on the margins and the hegemonic power it has. If you think the medical establishment is some sort of angelic "fact" producing operation then you are the dumb one.
Yeah, I speaking more specifically to the one about HIV and African-Americans. If you know the history of the medical establishment and its relationship with African-Americans, that "conspiracy theory" isn't actually that far fetched and makes sense. I know people, most of whom are highly educated to believe there is…
Whenever people talk about bi acceptance, I think of the moral panic against Black guys on the "down low" a few years ago. It was this weird merging of racism, biphobia, and bidenial. The discourse around the whole thing was so infuriating. Not only was very racist but the discussion would veer towards the idea that…
It should also be noted that "medical science" has a long and troubled exploitative relationship with people living at the margins, especially poor people and African-Americans. It (often) has nothing to do with being "stupid," but the knowledge that the medical establishment doesn't have a spot free history of 100%…
What bothers me is that most people commenting here know nothing about Nepal and understand nothing about Nepal or this culture. People read one article and think they understand a situation, but they don't. They throw their own misconceptions and assumptions into what they understand that doesn't reflect the reality…
Your language of "mutilation" totally misunderstands the phenomenon. Its very ethnocentric language. Its not about "mutilation" in the minds of the women who practice it, its the exact opposite in fact. Instead of working with these women, that kind of language works against women because its completely contrary to…
The ironic thing is probably know nothing about female genital cutting beyond the propaganda you've been fed.
The other commenter was right about Lorne Michaels not wanting improv, he also doesn't want the cast to memorize lines. Sketches are being tweaked and changed up right until the show airs. They do a dress rehearsal right before they go live and will change up sketches based on that rehearsal. Most of the show is very…
This doesn't necessarily apply to My Strange Addiction, but a lot of people go on these types of reality shows because they provide a free way to get the help they need. The hoarding shows are a good example of this; the show sets up both a meeting with a psychologist, and the removal and clean up of the hoard. Many…
This is f-ing brilliant. Thank you so much for your contribution here. You really did do a good job of laying things out.
You may be "talking about a very specific thing that a lot of people can relate to," but the way in which your doing it and the language your using, it is coming off as incredibly racist. I'm not trying to be mean or anything (honestly), I'm just trying to help you see how you're coming across to people. People are…
What you should have simply said then is "men who cat-call women." Racializing the men brings up all the issues I've been discussing. Men of all sorts of ethnicities cat-call women and try to work their "game" on them. Its nothing intrinsic to being of a certain ethnicity. Your focus on ethnicity is what makes this…
That guy is what Edward Said would probably call a "native informant;" he is used to to justify the racism/bigotry of people towards Arabs.
No, I'm sorry but you are completely wrong. This, the whole "Indian men" thing and the comment you made about Arab men is a classic case of how minority/non-dominant groups get stereotyped and pathologized. Such groups are already under the "gaze" of dominant (i.e. white) groups, so when some members of that group…
"18 year commitment?" More like 25+ in this economic climate.
Could you elaborate on how its not the same exactly?