You mispelled “burn down and replace with white, Christian, hetero, cisgender supremacy” as “overhaul”.
You mispelled “burn down and replace with white, Christian, hetero, cisgender supremacy” as “overhaul”.
FYI, the Dr. Emilio imposter account that has posted here is NOT the long-established account user that has contributed positively to many conversations.
“You need to be making better arguments,” says guy whose best argument is an overused, cynical cliche parroted for generations by people who don’t understand how writing works.
It’s not a "gotcha" when a developer gives a predictable answer, or fails to give a real answer.
holy shit.
Acts of charity happen in the shadows, they go unspoken because they are CHARITY if they are acts of performance they are inherently acts of greed.
Any news was news back in those days. I was always in love with GameFan and NextGen(eration). GameFan had the highest quality screeenshots and NextGen was written journalistically like a newspaper. Ah...memreez...
You're too stupid to have an opinion, be quiet.
FYI, the Dr. Emilio account posting here is NOT the long-established Kinja account. This imposter account simply uses the name for establishing credentials and then spewing vileness, while also discouraging sane discourse among Kinja posters.
I am not sure what point you’re trying to make here but I recommend no longer trying to make it
FYI, the LaRockyMay in the grey comments is not the long-established account user. The imposters have been trying to discredit other users via making these vile and sometimes subtle “whatabout” posts regarding racist topics.
My first thought, too. A sheriff's department asking for help finding white supremacists should start by investing in mirrors.
Of course the police need help finding these guys, the cops can’t investigate themselves
So cancel culture is when your celebrity career stalls after turning a huge part of your audience off, or you go to prison for being a rapist. I mean, cool... but how has this not always been a thing?
Except George Santos.
Bryce “hackdaddy8000” is an intern who works at one of the major Silicon Valley tech companies.
Just FYI, the Dr Emilio in the greys is NOT the same person and account that has been a productive part of Kinja for a long time.
With 75mph winds raging as heavily falling snow is blowing, the exhaust pipe is going to continuously fill with snow. Just imagine someone crouching behind a car in sub-freezing temperatures during a blizzard attempting to keep a clogged tailpipe clear of snow. You’d be fighting a losing battle. I was born and raised…
A significant number of the Unity Developers where I work - work in Ukraine, I’m always low-key worried about them. I’ve given training sessions to people with air raid sirens sounding in the background, had presenters dissapear during meetings due to sudden power outages, and had people tell me “I’ll try to do that…