Dear grays guy,
Dear grays guy,
So friends, I was there. I booed. We were all ready for it. Woman in front of me had an “IMPEACH 45" shirt on, another man had a shirt that said “End Windmill Cancer.” Around the 4th inning of every Nats game, they do a salute to troops who are attending the game, they roll the camera to the service men and women, and…
It does. That’s why every single one of his “public” appearances has been carefully curated. This is literally the first time he’s been exposed to the unfiltered public since the inauguration.
She is complicit. No sympathy. Ever.
“The look on Trump’s face when he realized this wasn’t a Trump rally”
“Keep your politics out of my sports before I shitcan the entire website!” - your corporate overlords.
I loved everything about this. From the boos, to the “lock him up” chants to this:
Yes, that’s exactly what they expect. He’d lived his entire life in a privileged bubble. He genuinely believes people love him, because the fools he surrounds himself confirm his bullshit to enrich themselves. It’s all so gross.
No, don’t feel anything for that Viper. She was/is a ‘Birther’ as much as her Vile husband. There’s plenty of video out there of her spewing the lies!
Damn. Where’s Reggie Jackson when you need him
^^^5 stars
I’m sorry, what? You don’t think Pats fans are that bad?
A Red Sox fan criticizing another team’s fanbase would be like if Arby’s started doing restaurant reviews.
you on the other hand sound not at all bitter or angry