
Have you read the comments on this very website from women who refuse to date short men?

oh i'm sorry...i didn't mean to imply your family's situation was simple. just your explanation of what Maduro is doing (ie. motorcycle gangs). I've read different versions and my sister has told me a different story of who those gangs are and who they are supporting. some say they are doing Maduro's work, others are

The American media ISNT portaying it. Maduro kicked out most of our media and 3 of our diplomats. The only reliable feed of information from Venezuela in the English language is from Fusion, a Spanish language channel owned from outside the US that servers US Hispanics.

Wow, "the whole issue?" One obvious Maduro supporter is telling "the whole issue?" One obvious plant who cannot even form complete thoughts, who stumbles through everything with "you know," and "probably?" And he acts like the corruption is from outside Venezuela and all about private capitalists, but he never once

Excellent point, I did not notice that. I did see an episode of Cops recently where a woman was arrested for assault for spitting on someone, but that's pure anecdote (and doesn't mean the prosecutor actually pressed charges).

The police report on ESPN says they both struck each other with their hands. That's where I got my info from.

And regardless of spitting, slapping, or anything "feminine", yes, it should be charged a crime, regardless of whether you're a victim after it or not

Spitting on someone can be a crime too. Specifically in NJ, this has been rules to be battery:

Hmm, anything else going on right now in Venezuela?

♪ I drink a whiskey drink

Fuck Ray Rice and his lawyer. If I have to side with a high-character running back, it'll be Ricky Williams 103 times out of 100.

No, that's just Tyson's Corner

It was close, but generally referees give the benefit of the doubt to the defense in those cases. I've seen many fouls occur in the box but the ref gives the free-kick right outside it.

I'm also hopeful that the new comment system will regulate your amateur internet bitching with it. Seeing as how 200 more people found that joke funny than agreed with your comment, you should probably get used to it.

I think by the letter of the law it was. It is debatable, but it is pretty hard to fault the ref in real time, IMO.

As a Bayern fan I'm not so sure the red card was deserved. Szczesny did make a poor effort but Robben really played up the foul. I thought it was at the most a yellow. Boateng's foul on Ozil was worse IMO. If Arsenal start the next leg with the same intensity and speed they had today Bayern are in trouble. That first

If you don't like the comments on this site, I'm surprised you even like the site at all. If off-color jokes offend your puritanical sensibilities, then you have come to the wrong place.

It's ironic that you profess to be so anti-violent while pummeling a straw man to death.

Arsenal were completely overmatched after the deserved red card. However, Koscielny and Mertersacker were phenomenal defending, like they usually are. As long as we have those two back there I don't feel so bad about our chances against anybody (and by "we" and "our" I mean Arsenal and not me at all, unless Arsenal

Considering that your entire comment history is just telling people what isn't funny, maybe you could mix in something that is just to show the rest of us how we should be doing it? Or, maybe, just maybe, reading comments just isn't for you. Maybe you'd spare yourself some misery if you avoided it. Either way, only

It's called"History", no wonder you couldn't pass.