Six Mile Island

Let's sue singing children! They're pirating songs by remembering lyrics which takes away adult's focus from the original recording artist!

Mmm ramekin-y

the solution to the problem of:

7 of 9 sweety be a dear and get me a cold BUD LITEYEAR

It's probably just a sand worm.

Electromagnetic radiation, is defined by intensity, wavelength and frequency, but since wavelength is a function of frequency and vice versa (speed of light constant = wavelength*frequency), scientist just use intensity and wavelength.

Now there are three holes. This isn't going to end well.

Ramekin! It is one of this household's favorite, as well, with three out of four tossing it around as often as socially possible.

Are you sure that's from experience as a baker and not as a frugal cannibal?