
False equivalency. You're proposing that interaction only comes from difficulty systems and combat. That is only true from a narrow subset of games.

Apple very well might work like that in general, but that has nothing to do with this situation. The way that you get a security or privacy feature isn't to build the feature and then figure out how to do security/privacy. It is to require that every time you build a feature, it is accountable to your standards for

Most of what you described about the puzzle elements being underwhelming at best seems exactly in keeping with the rest of the Uncharted Franchise to me. I very seldom felt any type of clever while doing them.

Always thought there was something vaguely naughty in her expression on the boxart of Super Princess Peach.

Can it be F-BOOK?

Maybe RGB is trying to get away from someone's bad BO? Those dark robes look like you could get sweaty wearing them all day.

The game does not work "fine" on 360 and PC. It works "acceptably". Even on 360 and PC, the game has more than its share of annoying bugs and even occasionally gamebreaking ones. It's just that it is even worse on PS3.

Man, the intersection of comments on this thread with the 'typical responses from privileged culture' thread from a while back is mindblowing. Way more mindblowing than the actual post in the first place.

I thought that Ugg build this city on rock 'n roll?

I'm fine with this. If he were a class act, he'd unleash some new creative talent on Star Wars films and step back and reap the profits as an IP owner. That's definitely what will happen with Star Wars someday, the question is just whether it is Lucas himself who chooses a successor or Lucas' heirs.

It is unspeakable how entertained I am by the fact that his twitter ID reads as "Lame-y J"

Just wanted to say that this made my morning.

I think that there has been plenty of coherent dissection of exactly what is being done wrong with the new trilogy, so I won't rehash it here.

You know what this means?


Personally, this is the steampunk princess movie that *I* want...

Can we please just troll the hell out of the MSM until they have to be hesitant and more thoroughly research these games scare stories? Like create an underground forum where we build up a backlog of convincing but false gaming stories and see how we can leak it to these people?

I still think that the time when typical users of slurs against African Americans started to hesitate to use that language was somewhere around the time that the community at large started to clearly express that it was unacceptable. As far as I know, the LGBT community is making great strides at facing prejudice.

If it works in Kotaku's favor, then were does the meme that Kotaku commenters are rampaging assholes come from? It wouldn't have any better legs than any other random idea if it didn't connect with something real even if the thing that is real isn't that commenters here are a bunch of antisocial troglodytes.

False equivalency, all day long. You're attempting to set up a comparison between a language-coding by a historically powerful group (Christians from the 18th century forward) and response to language by a historically disenfranchised and persecuted group (homosexuals).