
I agree that culture needs to change. But culture changes when people choose to change their behavior. When you choose to 'reappropriate' and continue to use a hateful term before culture has already changed, your intention is using it is still a real thing but stands apart from the fact that you're also potentially

Metacritic says that they pretty much do.

RTFA. No, really. Pretty much everything you said was addressed in the article.

Public shaming is completely fine, although I suppose you're welcome to try to publicly shame people for scolding poor choice of language or behavior.

We need a reminder post on 12/19 so that everyone can go in an crash NoA's preorder servers trying to preorder the game.

I realized that Gamestop has a greater incentive to try to release one of these games in the US than Nintendo actually does. Nintendo gets to make some money. Gamestop gets to make that money, plus whatever ancillary benefits come from it being a store exclusive.

If you have a class based game and one of the classes' look is 'minimal clothing' then that's fine, unless every NPC of one gender is assigned that class. OTOH, if the theme of the game is that the female versions of each class wear markedly less clothing... that's probably sexist.

That is also sexism. If the cartoon above had a panel where the woman is in armor and the man is in a codpiece only, that would also be sexism.

I saw "HO"

I liked the bulk of the novel quite a bit. As someone with a moderate knowledge of European History and a large knowledge of Asian history, but negligible background in Russian authors or Russian history/perspectives in particular, I enjoyed being transported into the perspective of a character who was clearly

One could say that the word is epically abused.

So it sounds like your theory is that with a large group of protesters who are thus far nonviolent, your belief is that the police very rationally determined that the best way to "bring it under control in a safe manner" would be to continue escalation. That to "unlawful situation safely under control" they decided

Off topic: Roscoe's is awesome, and AFAIK a Hollywood fixture for all creeds and races, albeit I agree that their regulars skew one direction.

Showing up in the first place was a waste of the university's resources. No nonviolent action justifies violent action, period. Police manuals almost always explicitly cover this.

Just because there are other people who are wrong in addition to her, doesn't mean that she isn't also wrong. Let's not commit a logical fallacy here — I'm not interesting in counterarguing a bunch of blows directed at obvious straw men.

Yes, they backpedaled after comparing it to a food product and admitted that it was 'abrasive and painful'.

abrasive and painful is an embarassing understatement. If her statement has been overblown, you're having to give her a lot of credit to move the overall effect of her statement from intentionally false to merely a very misleading understatement.

It is 100% the retailers. At a well-run sale, even of this 'limited time and quantities'-style, nobody gets hurt. The problem is generally that the managers and staff at any given store have neither the training nor the motivation to run things in a reasonable fashion.

Also, 'pepper spray' is generally not used to refer to Mace. None of that company's line of products is a pepper spray.