
Well you know, Fox news tell me that even Police-issue Pepper Spray is 'pretty much a food product'. So while this was rude, it is morally equivalent to spraying people with seltzer water, amirite?

That must be why every other nation on earth is continually under attack, amirite?

You may have been better off waiting. I waited and that worked fine. But luck really isn't relevant here unless you can remove all of the multitude of specific factors involved. There are people for whom waiting is a terrible idea, or at least not necessary. Generalization is just not applicable, and it isn't a

They may be the exception, but it isn't like getting married in the lottery. The people involved are a huge factor. So what you're really saying is that they were more mature at that age, or better able to work together to compromise, or just had slightly better taste in the opposite sex.

I'd love to see this done. I think that the odds of it happening for a theoretical Who movie (hereafter 'Whoovie') are next to nil. A prime requirement for a Whoovie that will get Hollywood buy-in would be for it to be readily accessible even for someone as impatient and ignorant as Hollywood execs' mental

Yes, it is. 'Money Grab' is just a loaded term for somebody making a bunch of money, particularly in the mind of a cashgrubbing sociopath. Lots of people are making lots of money when used games get bought and sold. Expecting that a corporation is not going to look at a way to get in on that shows a fundamental

However, Gut checks *are* pretty pointless. There are more than enough only-marginally-informed opinions on the internet. If three editors' potentially uninformed views on whether or not to buy something are relevant, then why precisely is the review relevant?

Kotaku editors always pimp whatever new game they're having fun with. I don't remember anyone ragging on the other editors for all of the Skyrim content, or on Crescente for his 30 GTA4 items per week back when it was new. We're here for the advertainment, amirite?

I bought from the THQ store and got both the Season Pass and the Genki pack. Somewhere in all of that, I have a Bowler Hat available. Dunno how to determine which DLC it came from.

FWIW, there are some experiments with the first purchaser incentive. There's the free DLC packs for first purchasers with Dragon Age and Mass Effect 2. People who preordered Saints Row from the THQ website got Season Pass for the game for free, which apparently gets you all of the DLC mission packs that they release

Sure it is a money grab, just like the booming used games market is a money grab. Why exactly are we expecting publishers to sit on a high horse while everyone else in cashing in?

That's pretty much what Saints Row does for people who bought the game directly from THQ — which sort of makes sense, since they probably get the most money that way. Season Pass for free seems very reasonable.

They're definitely backpedalling, but they aren't just admitting that it was stupid and apologizing. For an organization that is so oriented toward browbeating people into apologies and sweeping declarations about what they will or won't do henceforth and forevermore...

The key qualifier for a historical assassin need not be infinite badassitude, in theory. The requirement is that in the present they are believed to have been somehow involved with the Apple of Eden. Desmond only goes and gets involved with the memories pertaining to that, so that would be the trick of having you

That's not even the case. They could both be in Desmond's paternal line, but Ezio's son has a kid with a great granddaughter of Altair or whatever. Most of the people that you're descended from aren't actually related to each other, after all.

Is it code named "dump on your childhood?"

I think that some games may be overall good and solid enough to be a 10/10. I think that despite the high points, Skyrim is far too buggy and riddled with clipping and other issues. I feel like a game that can become utterly unplayable on a major platform after as little as 16 hours is just utterly unacceptable in

Clearly 10/10 quality. How did the PS3 reviewers not see this, or give the game a 10/10 despite that? Does this imply that all of those 10/10 reviews were from people who spent <16 hours with the game?

I get that this is totally sweet value for you, but it doesn't seem the worst to kick the developer a few bucks for the coop in this scenario — you're still saving a ton versus buying two copies.

Yo dawg, I heard that you like trilogies. So we put a trilogy in yo trilogy so you can play a trilogy while you play a trilogy.