
Good grief. I find Felicia Day occasionally funny, Olivia Munn tolerable, and Morgan Webb pretty damned obnoxious. Not even trying to discuss any of their gamer credentials, just that Morgan's entire way of speaking and persona rides. my. last. nerve.

Still prepared to eat crow if they launch this thing at or below $300. I'm expecting $350 or higher. There is still too much stupid tech grafted onto this thing, and we're still fundamentally talking about miniaturizing a very powerful processor, which is not cheap. Bottom line, this will not debut at a similar

I think that $350 is the bottom end of what is likely. If they sell below that I believe they'll be taking unacceptable losses per unit.

OK, just read all of the comments, and bitterness is in full effect.

Why does this entire effort by the Smithsonian do nothing except provoke intense sarcasm and negativity from me? I think it is because by choosing not to curate the collection themselves and offer a coherent vision of what is artistically significant about the medium, they're stating that the medium isn't actually

Seems to me like the success or failure here is substantially in the pricing model. They want to get lots of people in on the game so that they want to go and buy all of the figurines. This would probably be a good place for the game to sell for less than normal game-price if they can work that out with Nintendo.

That's kind of true, but kind of not. Certainly the closer you get to cloning organisms that we commonly afford rights to, the closer you get to any number of squicky issues. Mostly, my profound discomfort with it comes down to most of the entities that could clone higher organisms being sociopaths (aka

The challenge is that the film is very much of a place and of an era. People from Chicago have a special fondness for the film, and people who were teenagers approximately when the film came out do also. It is a comedy inasmuch as it isn't high drama, but it isn't a comedy in the same sense that something that

The Cape is entertaining me pretty well as long as I remember to check my brain at the door. Many of the plots are ludicrous, but overall the show is pretty fun. I think that Summer Glau must finally be wearing off for me though, since she's one of my least favorite parts of the show.

Fringe - I wish that a game had this interesting of a premise. Two dual worlds and the fate of both at stake — one world blames the other for the predictament. If you haven't checked it out since season one, it's time to catch up because it definitely doesn't feel like monster-of-the-week anymore. I'm ambivalent

This would be a totally genius sheet of stickers.


Can we blame global warming on the increase in self-important gasbags? I'm pretty sure that we can prove that we have more self-important gasbags today than ever before.

Not cool.

@Runed: In all seriousness, if we believe that this conduct actually comes primarily/exclusively from 12-year olds... Let's add an age-gate for online content.

@Walking Eye: I honestly only get the anonymity effect in a theoretical sense. I feel like there is a highly level of moral development where I care about what I say regardless of whether it can be traced back to me.

I don't know what the solution is, but this whole situation is an abject failure on Microsoft's part.

@Pepe Thunder: That's why I'm saying that in addition to needing to reset whenever you fail to find Dr. Doak, I think that you were checking the wrong room.

@Anizawa: My best videogaming non-lie is that I beat Psycho Mantis in Metal Gear Solid without the IR goggles.

@Pepe Thunder: We unlocked everything in Goldeneye 64 at my apartment in college. The Facility has a couple of things that you need to know about it: