
This is exactly how I view time travel as presented in Outlander, based on what we know so far. Nothing they do will change the outcome fated to happen anyway.

Exactly. All context clues point to the next day or no more than the day after that. For a show about time travel they are are sloppy with daily time. Maybe these folks have 36 hour days. They sure do cram in a lot in a single day.

Who is denying he loves her. That's obvious to anyone. The point is the time is so screwed up in this episode that you can't say with certainty when it happened. Neither can I. But I do know there's no way a month has passed. That's illogical despite what her belly looks like. That is simply a continuity error

Yes, I think we are. Plus, at this point in the show we - the characters and viewers - have no idea how time travel works so who's to say that anything they do will have any impact on the future anyway. What we do know in this universe, is that BJR was given a date of death by Claire, she thought she'd changed the

I've been married for 16 years and I would never let this kind of argument slide. From the exchange we heard in this episode, Jamie didn't let it slide either. The power of love is no substitute for communication and apology, when appropriate.

If it were weeks then Jamie and Murtagh wouldn't have been having the kind of conversation they had. As though they hadn't discussed this issue of the duel in weeks. That's unrealistic given the tone and content and their discussion. Perhaps it wasn't the next day but I doubt it was weeks.

It's so hard to track time on the show that I don't know that it was the morning after. However, murtagh here talks to Jamie about making preparations for the duel as though he thought the duel was still on, like a continuation of the conversation they had just had. I imagine murtagh and Jamie see each other

This is true in real life, but since the show made such a big deal of the fight it had to show its resolution. The show boxed itself in to needing to show it, then dropped the ball by not doing so.

Spot on review. While Jamie correctly and appropriately called out Clare on her "you owe me a life" emotional blackmail, the show never showed us how they got to that point and in this scene Claire didn't seem all that concerned with or affected by Jamie's anguish from last episode. Foot massages solve all,,I guess.

I've seen clips from the next ep and this will happen :/

Agreed re the marriage helping her spinster status. Yes, this wasn't in the book. It was something added to "Moore's Outlander" (sorry, couldn't resist lol) and I think it was a real disservice to Claire's character.


And we can't forget how Claire took the uninnoculated Mary to the hospital to work, where Mary could have contracted a contagious illness and died. Claire's mere presence has already set different courses for many things. We don't know all the details of time travel in this universe but what we do know suggests that

Claire is wrong for meddling in someone's business. Mary and Alex can choose to do what they want, just as Claire chose to leave her husband and abandon her vows to stay in the 18thC. If she gets a choice then so do they. Claire doesn't get to pick and choose destinies.

Claire doesn't know Alex is dying. She's seen him cough twice. Viewers with prior knowledge may think/know he's dying, but at this point Claire doesn't *know* any such thing. Even if she did know he were dying, who is she to rip away someone else's chance for happiness? She acts as moral judge and jury to see the

Whatever her supposed motivations, this was classic manipulation. She was in full-on puppet master mode here. Making a sacrificial offering of a girl she calls her friend - a raped girl to a sadistic rapist. Meddling with Alex and Mary is inexcusable and suggesting to Alex that he's not capable of even take care of

Not only is Claire's emotional manipulation and blackmail really low, Jamie doesn't "owe" her a life. If she wants to play it like that, then they're even. Jamie has also saved her life twice (Wentworth and the witch trial) so what is Claire even talking about. And for her to meddle in Mary and Alex's romance like

Yaaas. I HATED that storyline. We're talking about a doctor, an engineer (by schooling, anyway; hello Mary Sue), a professor, a 'streetwise' kid, and a Laird (who may be smarter than all of them combined; hi there Daddy Marty Stu) and not one of them considers simply opening their mouth to ask a simple question.

Wow, you're right. This doesn't make a bit of sense. *if* this was her second pregnancy, why wouldn't she have told Frank about the first during their all-night convo where she described her experience in the 18th century. Especially if (speculation) what happened with that first pregnancy was related to why she

Totally agree with this. The text doesn't support her new post-publication interpretative claims.