
Yes. Since they love voice-over could we not have had a VO where Claire talks about how Jamie is more real to her than ANYTHING in 1945 - including Frank. This one line spoke to me because it underscored how mismatched Claire and Frank were and crystallized her connection with Jamie.

Ditto this rant. "Herself" needs to get over herself on social media. I have rad the books and love them - she's a masterful storyteller. However, her condescending coyness (and justification for obvious continuity errors) can be a bit much. Dribbling bits and pieces of the story across multiple novellas, books,

This is true but I don't think they ever really had "it". That was the problem. Claire was only 18 or 19 when she married 30 or 31-year old Frank. Frank never really understood Claire. He expected her to be a good little professor's wife and that really isn't who Claire is. The books do a much better job of laying