
Yeah I was gonna say “people find this thing at...the library?!”

Us weirdos tend to glomp together, hah.

I’m not a ninny for thinking what I think, but thanks for reminding me we do the name calling thing now..

He wore a Luchador-esque mask sure, but I always thought OG Bane was in fact Russian?

Oh you mean that book he co-authored with his wife? Yeah... I own that book.

I call it even minded, you call it a shitty cop out, but regardless if both or neither of us is correct, what it definitively is is a slippery slope, especially when it comes to comedy, a performance art that has never really accommodated censorship, or even civility/being nice about anything really. Some comedy is

I dunno, seems like a proper reaction if not a generous one from the comedy club (picking up someones tab if they want to just walk out of a set? really?), regardless who “may pop in”.

Waiting, patiently, for the aforementioned Face/Off mindfuck.

Yeah well, whatever man, *listens to the recent LP repress of the Katamari soundtrack, plays the game in his mind, as it’s creator probably intended*

He was sitting... I literally don’t even remember noticing what “shape” Maul had at all, and you could really only see his face (since it was a choppy holo video), how is this even a thing?

We call that a Costanza where I’m from..

Wait, so the grand secret is to basically aim and pay attention? I’ve been gaming all wrong until this fateful day that someone finally showed me the light! 🤯 .

“I would look like the biggest imbecile alive for supporting a man who used that word,” 

Between this and Big Trouble in Little China... I feel like games or movies that take place during heavy inclement weather always stick with me more, perhaps because you are able to escape/get lost easier due to holing up indoors in real life to play it, whatever time of year it is.

Now read it with Morgan Freeman’s voice

You know, there’s a million fine-lookin women in the world, but they don’t all bring you lasagna at work. Most of them just cheat on you.

I’m hopeful that they aren’t rebooting Frasier in that sense, but a reboot as in restarting his life elsewhere (and really that’s where the show ended...he was following some woman he fell for by going to Chicago...where if they really cared they could totally pick up at too).

The thing is though, at least as far as Frasier goes, they didnt even do that (rewriting or bulldozing into continuity errors). All his friends from Cheers still existed (heck even Wings existed in that same continuity due to Frasier), and even came to visit sometimes, and all of Frasiers past written through Cheers

I will for certain be wearing my go to Frasier Pain watching shirt for this, as I have for any Frasier watching since this april fools gag made reality arrived at my doorstep.