
Bah, to you and everyone else, “I” am in my mid 30's, and feeling it hard (I’m so much more TIRED all the damn time and it’s an abrupt frustrating change), but I still went damnit! Even got me a Pizza Guitar shirt :P .

Saw him play at First Ave last night! Party Party n Pizza Guitars.

*shrug* Toys R Us was times an excellent place to buy video games too (Especially hard to find Saturn games at the time), surprised they didn’t focus a bit more on that for profits.

“shrill, pearl-clutching, far-right goblin emitting banshee shrieks into the void of Twitter”

That’ll go great with his Firefly cosplay..

More than anything else, I don’t even really understand the punchline or joke they were making with the Cartman breakup subplot. His whole telloff at the end, about how he’s worth better and being the victim and all that, it was very nonsensical.

To be fair, the regular Iphone 8 in my size and color preferences is only a couple hundred less really, the “premium” for the Iphone X isn’t quite as vast or large as the total MSRP would lead one to believe...Iphones are just expensive now #nomoresubsidy

Or the know...that one where Andrew Dice clay was Ace’s predecessor as a Rock N Roll detective....

I’m confused though...was the making of Man on the Moon really that interesting? Yes I remember some of the meta PR that went on and Jim riffing on Andy by pretending to be his alter’s worth a retrospective making of feature..?

Woah, I had no idea about Frank Miller, that one surprised me.

You leave Ryan Reynolds alone, that man is a treasure, he was even a chubby kid in X-files.

See though, I saw the original It when I was around 7-8, given it aired on TV and my family was rather ecstatic to watch the scary movie with me (by then I had already been well traumatized by Nightmare on Elm street and actually running from Freddie in my own nightmares..) and yeah well, like many I developed a fear

I am so sick and tired of this crap I want to say this again.

I think we cast doubt way more often than otherwise though because it’s him (not our hero, but a rather slovenly male comedian who often speaks on his lack of sex appeal and failures with women, an easy target to BELIEVE would do that if ever there was one).

Wait, after every episode during the credit roll they feature the creator of the comic visiting the same restaurant and eating the same meal you mean? Like a bonus redux episode within an episode? Or just the one you were talking about?

“Suck an egg anime! I got that HONDA money now yo!”

Exactly, that was my point sort of...seems like some people don’t grasp that, and yes, it does seem like they have never really watched the show. South Park takes all comers, and are certainly not just hasty to go after the left. The trump stuff just, wasn’t funny, and really, beyond it being indicative that someone

What...? Have you read anything interview wise with them? Or noticed last seasons episode where Trump got elected and how it was a reflection of their own disgust? Do you even watch the show aside from the examples you lifted?

Frankly I thought Vindicators was one of the most HILARIOUS episodes of the season so far, couldn’t stop laughing my ass off; while this one may have been my least favorite (although unlike most I haven’t been complaining about the new season and really like the direction they’ve been taking lots overall).

Someone exploded a bunch of “God Gas” on that gaggle.