
Since when did women make good choices on the guy front? Nate’s in prime position to SLAY with his awfulness :P . Remember, confidence sells and this guy’s confident in his own bullshit to a religious extremist degree. He won’t get a job with that shit, but I’m guessing he actually will find the woman he wants…we live

More than just the Nazi jokes themselves (really, he didn’t stop even AFTER he got fired, it took Charlotsville...), isn’t Pewdie Pie himself kind of a “tired shtick”?


While I like that there is less urgency to play a game at launch due to the requisite patching and improvements that ultimately will happen, I think this is sort of a sad turn for the industry, highlighted by why the new mini SNES coming out was so great. I thought it was mainly just nostalgia making me yearn for

Quite sad that Sega is likely not in the same vantaged position as a hardware maker anymore to first party make these like Nintendo is doing with theirs.

“What became apparent to Blizzard in the coming months was that people were more interested in gaming Diablo III than they were in playing it, a problem that would take serious investment to fix.....Players were frustrated, and Blizzard’s developers felt compelled to listen to them....Not long after Diablo III’s

Problems like this kept me away from FF12 initially (despite, uh, buying the limited edition when it first launched, because I didn’t know better and to be fair I think it was the last true Limited Special FF release? One that wasn’t a MMORG anyway), and I seem to recall is getting an HD something remake already? Glad

Meh, if no one ever looked at or for these things, and Rockstar ultimately just decided to use those assets now anyway....this entire effort (including the article written to meticulously explain it) seems a bit...much.

I love it when games I never ultimately played come around for a reboot so I can experience them with a hopefully all upsides update :)

Got excited for a minute that my childhood waterloo (Sieken 3) would finally be accessible in an insta-buy worthy package, and while I am happy to see it’s region free playable, thought an all English version was finally a reality, drat :( . Could have really used the pick me up today that I felt inches away from

I’ve always said this! After Ocarina of Time came out and everyone was geeking out over it, it already felt stale, and I couldnt fathom how awful it would look even 5-10 years later, and while 2d continued to get spiced up and evolve on future systems (Symphony of the Night is a good example), the SNES was this

I have one of the last PS3's that were backwards compatible, I actually don’t know much about the PS4's capabilities in this regard, but does this mean my old PS3 is the last thing that can play PS2/PS3 discs now? And I mean, yeah the BC ones stopped being made and supported (or getting BC updates I’d guess) a long

Yeah, 60 bucks for a whole added channel (when I still wonder if I get my moneys worth from my base amazon prime package given the video service rarely is useful on it’s own, music is ok but I prefer Pandora/Spotify and the 2 day shipping is great, but again, not sure if I get much savings from that alone), just seems

I feel like you could timehop an article about the Wii worded much like this...let’s be wary people, there can and will be a hardware bubble if the games don’t add up to the gimmicks that they invented to support it.

So was it the “rampant hacking” that is making a big selling product a no go? Because beyond Nintendo’s statement of it not intending for it to be ongoing, and even mentioning they added shipments...Nintendo likes money...and this thing doesnt strike me as pricey or complex to what’s the deal?

This is why I like watching the Dub, since while it’s depressing to hear the show in this sense is over, but great to know I still have plenty of it left to enjoy due to slow rolling it!

Titan was a boondoggle, but hardly the reason for any of Blizzard’s current follies. Wow was and is always a cash cow, pointing out how well the IP is doing (and last I checked it wasn’t, not nearly as well as it used to be and there is still talks about them being traded to a different corp even) doesn’t really

But you know what the biggest indication that this sale is a bit flat from previous years (although the writing was on the wall already it felt like, and I’m not even sure why, maybe a lackluster debut of steam machines that a lot of people were waiting on and piling stuff up for in the first place? I know I’m in that

Two very important things (as per the posted twitter comments). DBZ already sucked and wasn’t overrated, they didn’t need Hollywood’s help (in fact DBZ being as bad as it was was how I got hooked on Naruto in the first place. It employed a similar formula, and even had filler episodes, but is ever so much more

So does that mean “by Nappa’s beard!” Is now to be a bonafide way to express bewilderment?