Tebow wouldn't have done something like this. That's why everybody liked him.
Tebow wouldn't have done something like this. That's why everybody liked him.
Nope. Central Valley.
Wearing jorts and listening to Jimmy Buffett. Go Gators!
I wonder who hated seeing that more, Pirates' fan or A's fan?
The Chiefs are also really good on defense.
Fans say "the 110" and have a penchant for lame Dodger Blue: +100
I have memories of spending weekends at my grandparent's house watching the after-game shows with Coach John McKay. I remember lots of long pauses and dead air.
#1: Muddy Waters
Stay Classy, Tallahassee.
Keep popsicles in the freezer. If the kid bites a taco and cuts the roof of her mouth you now have a device to soothe the cut and make the wounded child happy. I learned this yesterday.
I think the game went to hell when they adopted the forward pass.
He said "The Kobe steak at Michael Mina's is tougher than this pass-rush."
Tech CEO kicks a dog in an elevator, resigns immediately. Star NFL running back beats his pre-school-aged child until he bleeds ... will probably play Sunday. This is our culture?
Stories like this make me question my own sanity. Waiting for the A's or the Raiders to actually do something with the Coliseum (move to Fremont, move to L.A., tear it down, turn it into condos) is a bit like watching the play "Waiting for Godot." That is, if the play lasted 20 years and actually never ended.
I don't get it. I kept waiting to get upset, but she just seems like a lady with an opinion. She seems pretty empathetic and caring to me.
What happened to the idea of them moving out here to California?
They really call a magazine about culture in north Florida "The Void"? Isn't that on par with naming a car "No Va"?
Wide Right.
"Jerry Jones visits Tinder HQ"