
Reported elsewhere it does not have bluetooth. Why would it?

Bottom line is that this device isn't actually competing against any of the ones shown. It is competing against the Nook in the US and against loads of cheap Android tablets around the world if it spreads that. And you know what? It will wipe them out.

Or you read to much on blogs spreading misinformation

50m people out there doing it. Your point is?

They've been giving them away with BB contracts in the UK for quite a while but still not shifting many. Too small for a business device, two expensive for a gaming/media player.

I don't think there is a missing phone either but I don't think it is Apple manipulating anybody. It has been made up by somebody to make money and CNet have fallen for it.

Agreed. I think the whole thing is fabricated.

Its not an issue for hone country flights but, for international travellers, 3G roaming charges are a killer and buying wifi is the only real option

But there are 3rd party secure mail solutions for iOS and big enterprise companies are embracing them. Apple don't want or need that on consumer devices but they have teams that will help point you to the 3rd parties an set up custom installs.

I paid £160 to get the extra 1Mb on my 386-16 so I could run Windows in "386 enhanced" mode but the £60 for the "massive" 16K RAM pack for the ZX81 I had must be the most expensive I ever bought!

My desktop iMac (3.06 Core Duo with 4Gb) and MBA ( 1.7 i5 with 4Gb) both run Win 7 under Parallels7 & Lion without any issue. I am usually running multiple linked projects in MS Project at the same time as having Excel costing sheets open on the OSX side.

The 4-finger is available on iPad in iOS5 but not iPhone. Im guessing press/swipe to change apps


Jonny boy actively agrees that he is a Dieter Rams fan


My hands are too big for Apple's MM.

You really have been sucked in so far.

Google doesn't break into everybody else's business. They try to destroy the value added in anybody else's business and replace it with their advertising-funded model. And they will continue to succeed until they run out of people who are willing to sell their choice over what products they buy in exchange for "free"

So Google bought it to crush it

Well, we don't have that over here either but 2 out of 3 people I know in the US who bought one have changed it out for something else saying that the battery life is just not liveable with. The third doesn't get 4G reception so I'm not sure why he bought it:)