
Why do Moto chose such crap screens? The one on the Xoom is shameful for the price they put on it and the Atrix looks nasty beside the Samsungs and LGs of this world.

Word I hear from any Enterprise users is they are waiting for Mango to start abandoning RIM in big volumes.

Nigerian phone booth:

And don't forget your playbook so you get a screen big enough to actually read stuff.

"Amazon doesn't have is its own platform."

One of the tricks the drug gangs do in Rio is cause an "accident" at each end of the tunnel then run thru robbing everyone in the cars. Resist and you die. Them the cops come thru and start shooting at the gangs.

Been to Lagos once - wasn't sure if I was gonna die in a traffic accident or by being shot

I really didn't find LA bad at all. I was dreading driving there but it was easy compared to most European cities

The only US city that rates a read bad is NYC. They really shoudl just ban cars in Manhattan. London, Madrid and Paris are way worse than LA.

The whole thing reeks of being staged. The fact that the guy claimed to work for "Apple Computer" on his LinkedIn profile, the denials from SFPD and then changing stories. I think they have been set up by CNet and there never was any missing iPhone

I can't believe people regards Google+ as having less privacy concerns than Facebook

The FB apps is the only app I have ever had that regularly quits rather than resumes from background.

These "cost to manufacture" figures are extremely misleading. They completely ignore design, testing, certification, marketing, distribution, stocking, selling, support and warranty among other things. Basing, as you did, they would be bust in a minute.

Yes, Engadget used a shopped Galaxy Tab

It will be "cockblocked" by Apple if it uses any of the Android features that impinge on Apple's patents. It will be "cockblocked" by Oracle if they haven't licensed Java (but rumor has they, like RIM, have). It will be "cockblocked" by MS if it infringes on any of their patents.

Its not meant to "jump start" the Android tablet eco-system. Its meant to steal the "Android" tablet eco-system eco-system away from Google and plant it with Amazon

People cam buy used/refurbed iPad1 at that price point and many do

A portal for Amazon to sell you stuff instead of a portal for Google to sell you stuff?

True iPad competitor? Nope. Maybe the 10 inch when it comes but nobody is going to buy this instead of an iPad or, if they do, they were buying an iPad for the wrong reasons.
