
Gizmodo and every other blog post any story they can about Apple because Apple are popular and it will get views.

You mean blogs are trying to dig a hole for Apple by putting about negative stories with no facts behind them?

Seems like it. When I played with one in store it seemed like there was something very fundamental wrong with it. If it had been a Windoze machine I'd have said bad HD controller drivers so I guess something screwed in memory management?

All that can be hoped for is that "explore options to optimize the value of webOS software" means they will look to licence it. WebOS on an HTC would do it for me.

No, but many of the methods Google use to collect their information and the ways they choose to present it to both their customers (the potentials advertisers) and the users of their service is, at best, misleading and, at worst, morally reprehensible.

So that fact that ol' Eric said there wasn't going to be a "Nexus 2" until the head of BestBuy Europe put up the money has nothing to do with the "around Christmas... blah, blah, blah".

Nowhere near the first. Halliburton had campuses in the mid '90s, so have any other large multinationals.

Sad thing is Jobs will probably never see it


"Google’s Real Names Policy is Evil"

To use a quaint Shakespearean phrase, they have been hoist by their own petard

Time to bring back...

In case you think I'm joking.

No it won't because it's a council house but his family will be evicted and the house given to someone who isn't going to go around wrecking his community.

The 26% figure is the highest possibility on the iPhone. It could be higher on the iPad (some screens) but could be lower on both (they have alternate suppliers for the flash and DRAM). The only single source from Samsung at the moment is the manufacture of the A4/A5 chip and this will change when TSMC come on

Wired always had some foresighted articles. Its very first edition had this from my favorite author and it could have been a model for the way Apple work:

You could get a remote with FM receiver for iPod. It was a massive flop.

It was the key point for me. I'd had a sneaking admiration for Macs but when my new Dell sucked donkey balls and my friend loaned me a Macbook dual booting Tiger and XP, it showed me I could change with little risk. Now I have 5 MAcs in the house, 3 of which have Windows installed but only one (my iMac) does it ever

Because they are a bunch of bored, mindless kids who think that causing damage is fun. It has very little basis in social depravity, racism or all the other nonsense being spouted. It is a physical manifestation of Anonymous or Lolsec and organised in the same way

Sorry, but no.