
She has a distinctive voice and writes songs that tend to be unconventional and interesting without sounding like they're just being unconventional for its own sake.

Your car leaks on the corner of the living room rug, even though you got a perfectly fine garage for it and assiduously keep it clean?

Yeah, it's weird to think that a character bragging about exactly how hard he would hit his wife was the main catchphrase from a beloved television show.

I'd like to think it's like She's the Sheriff, except set in the rough-and-tumble world of destination fees and undercoating.

We did the same thing, but there was always an anxiety about when to start recording again, and much haranguing the unlucky person who was responsible for un-pausing. It was like "Did they play four commercials, or only three? In all the excitement of getting snacks, I kinda lost track myself." Heavy is the hand that

Whither Amazon in this bloodbath?

Every year, I see those things in the drugstore, and every year, I think "Hell yeah Cadbury creme egg, ye seasonal treat from my youth, I'm going to purchase and eat you three weeks before Easter because I'm a grown up and I can do that sort of thing." And every year, I experience the same revulsion at first bite, a

This seems like a spectacularly poor choice for motivating a bunch of teenagers. It seems like the only kids who wouldn't leave more bummed out than when they entered would the ones who've already stopped paying attention.

It seems like a lot of Hatesongs are personal, but those tend the least interesting to read, of me at least. It's more fun if the hate is universal and relatable.

It was only last year that I learned the difference between robbery and burglary. Where thievery fits in there, we might never know.

Would that be a prequel?

Our VCR had a tuner with something like 14 "programable" presets built in, ostensibly so that you could record one channel while watching another. In practice, though, getting the presets to align with an actual television channel was always a hassle, and it seemed to change periodically for some unknown reason. Then

Counterpoint: Taping movies from television gives you unintentionally hilarious commercials years later. As in, "Hey, remember when Mr. T had his own cereal?"

That's my sticking part, too. Taping from "live" TV was the worst.

Oh I meant to be agreeing with you. By the way, it's cute that Kevin Shields had a problem with other people using a lot of gear:…

You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here.

"10 Headaches Only '90s Kids Will Remember!"

I'm being snarky of course. Sure, they were both associated with/as shoegaze at the time, not to mention both being the kind of bands that you'd hope would show up on 120 Minutes, but I would have never thought that Lush was ripping off MBV, mainly because MBV was such a singular band. Sure, Lush layered highly

That makes you something of a Hypocrite.

Same. Was a fan then and now, but a huge outdoor show is not the venue for them.