
Yeah, I wouldn't necessarily put those two bands in the same category, unless the categories were something like "white people with guitars" or "bands whose records I listened to a lot at the time and still sometimes today."

Lingering involvement in a Middle East, a Clinton and a Bush campaigning for president, the return of JNCOs, therefore, the return of the '90s, etc.

That's right, I forgot that one of Dave's sets looked like if a contemporary basement rec room inexplicably had a giant picture window over New York.

At first glance, I just assumed that some wiseacres named themselves "Cool Pope", and that this wasn't a new record by the actual Bishop of Rome. I thought he'd be more of an indie folk kind of guy.

Where did they think jazz came from? But I think the point made was that the music had more classical, baroque, or medieval influences than traditional rock's blues influences. In other words, European influences, not those tawdry American or African influences. I think it's more about being snobby than racist (real

As much as I don't like Chris Hardwick's standup generally and his oft-mined topic of "hicks" specifically, his bit on The Gambler is pretty great.…

But I was led to believe that there would be time enough for counting when the dealing was done.

Well, at least we know what condition his condition is in.

I think people are just happy to have a pope that's a little less Emperor Palpatine than the last one. Even if they don't agree with everything he says, it's a "the enemy of my enemies is my friend" situation.

Also Ex Cathedra.

Oh no, it sounds like you've scooped the market for my subjunctive-mood biopic about Georgia politics, And Then There Were Nunn.

Oh right, he was a total creep in Juno. He was great at that, which I guess is a pretty dubious distinction.

Yeah, I'd love to see him ditch the everyman/audience surrogate persona and play someone who's deranged just under the surface.

Are we counting Green Lantern, though?

It's important to save something for the sequel.

Yeah, his criticisms of young black men are arguably what made him a target for Hannibal Burress, the seed of his downfall. That it required a stand-up comedian's set to bring about the mass recognition of a serial rapist is another thing, but that's another topic altogether.

I think he'd pull it off ably, but… has any actor moved from DC to Marvel?

Mycroft Holmes and the Case of the Public Domain.

A bit on the nose for their Slender Man knockoff.

Well, she was a hip lady.