
But how tall was he?

Let me take this opportunity to say that I am completely over the food truck phenomenon. As in, $&@# that !*&@.

Wait, are we friends in real life? Because that sounds very familiar.

Yeah, fair enough. Just remembering coming up in various small-time scenes. The bands with the shiniest, nicest, newest gear were always pop-punk bands, and this corresponded 1:1 with the bands with the least political outlooks and those who did not agree that just being punk was in and of itself a political act. Of

I can't tell you where, but I have some ideas about how you should send it.

Mr Pibb's problem is that he never finished his dissertation, and we all know that a doctorate is considered the terminal degree in the fruity brown soda game. Dr. Thunder managed to make it though, al though he did wind up at a safety school.

I misread this as the Batmobile belonging to (Washington) DC meaning the Smithsonian or something, and for a moment felt a "Hell yeah, 'merica!" swell of nationalism. But no, just some trademark stuff.

No offense, but in my limited experience, pop-punk is the sub-genre of punk/hardcore most likely to be associated with entitled suburban DBs and least likely to have any political consciousness. Of course there are many exceptions, but if you're driving around the fancier parts of town or higher-end malls, you're more

Ground control to Major Amy. Ground control to Major Amy. How 'bout a few more shows, like horror/comedy with Sam Raimi?

I heard a Red Sox announcer note (paraphrasing) that the Yankees are a team that's easy to hate but happens to have players you have to love sometimes. I think he was talking about Jeter, but still.

A lot of his sillier-sounding quote make quite a bit of sense on reflection. Supposedly, the quote about the fork was from directions to his house, and either fork would have led there.

Someone on Facebook recently compared him to every kid who didn't read the book but is trying to bullshit the teacher when he gets called on in class. It's not a bad analogy.

There were a few barbs, like one on bankruptcy, that Trump just didn't acknowledge, which was probably the smart move when dealing with someone like Colbert.

That is now the gross-but-accurate way I'll describe it from now on.

Well, you're going to miss out on a lot of last-minute Sorkiny moralizing with tasteful laugh tracking.

But he has that hat and everything. Are you saying that hats can lie?

Rats, yours was earlier and better.

But now that one episode of Sports Night won't make any sense. Please, won't somebody think of the Sports Night.

I refuse to do it because the 3d peanuts are inherently off-putting. At least when the Simpsons did a movie, they had the decency to keep everyone 2d, even if they did go a little overboard with the shading sometimes.

Can my avatar still be a total bummer, just like the real Charlie Brown?