
But what if the panthers are… pink?

I just want to see the show where the theme is that song he improvises in "Extras".

Those commercials are relentless.

And I'm sure that whoever came up with Donna T. Rumpshaker chuckled to himself and thought "Nailed it."

I'm assuming that the central conflict comes from a commuter who allowed their BART card get within three feet of an electrical device or fridge magnet, so now it's demagnetized. They bought the card with a credit card, so the toll operator can't just refund them or recharge their card for some reason; instead they

I would laugh at that, but it just reminds me of being within sight of the Ashby exit, and yet so, so far away. Meanwhile, people gleefully biking and walking on that pedestrian bridge, completely oblivious of the human suffering below.

Ah yes, those alt bands, always doing all the alt things altily.

Yeah, re-watching it in college made it apparent that I missed a lot of jokes and references as a kid. I wonder if it was among the first shows to be ostensibly for kids, but with some treats for the grown ups, too.

"What is the world's worst place to take ecstasy, Alex"

Oh, right. Although the part where they make an allusion to whether a bear shits in the woods helped redeem it.

I don't often find myself agreeing with fundamentalist groups, but yeah, that commercial where Miss Piggy is talking about Captain Mal's butt does skeeve me out.

It sounds like a mixed drink that involves two kinds of liquor and something objectionable or unexpected.

Maybe "plays to the cheap seats" would be better, since arenas have a lot of cheap seats? Problem is, that connotes enthusiasm, but not necessarily ambition.

Of course they did. I would try to guess an obscure character, but I'm sure they've been featured already. Maybe Link and Zelda can help when they appear in season 7.

In that case, it's basically canon.

I would.

Oops, bad typing.

Maybe now I can find out what a Rumpole of the Bailey is.

I've heard their pumpkin-based health food restaurant on the Sunset Strip is really good, though.

They also raise their children to be selectively parsimonious with Valentines, so it's not surprising that they're just as stingy with the Smartees (the big question is why they have rocks on hand… did they find them just to creatively bully children?). Somebody has to break the cycle of being a jerk, and Charlie