
I like to think that Linus mainly just uses the Bible to be a buzz-kill, kind of like how Satan is often depicted quoting scripture in his trickery, and he really believes in The Dark Lord Great Pumpkin.

Traveling in California, I was delighted to discover that CHP motorcycle cops are still dressed exactly like CHiPs.

I'm all for an unreasonable suspension of disbelief and feel bad about making fun of something that people obviously like, but it just got to be too much. I was just kidding about the Little Mermaid, but she is a character. As are the women from Frozen.

When things like this happen, I find comfort in the words of a great statesman.

I gave it a shot, but couldn't stick with it. I do admire that the writers started off with a bonkers basic premise and just ratcheted up from there rather than going for the more common approach of introducing some semblance of normalcy. I'm assuming in the next season that Hansel and Gretel will show up as

It's nice that two people from such different animation styles can find love.

Between this and the Screaming Females' version, I'm starting to really like covers of "Shake It Off" as its own genre.

Fair enough. It just seems a little shaky, but then again, they named the guy who flies Orville Wright…

What I don't understand is why Magnum was hired in the first place. The show seems to imply that Magnum knows Masters at least a little, but why Magnum is living on the estate much to the irritation of its irascible caretaker is unclear, at least to my memory.

I am neither, but I enjoyed The Critic. I remember a recurring gag that seems to have been removed from the reruns, where Jay would cut to commercial by skewering Fox (e.g. "You're watching Fox. Shame on you!").

I'm not going to go so far as to call Chasing Amy a good movie, but we shared a moment or two.

In the comic, he basically looks like Avatar: The Last Public Transit Bender.

"Bizarre" in the headline is a little superfluous, no?

When you punish a person for eating their food don't expect them to thank or forgive you.

I think they should lean into the long, awkward, offensive title and go with something like "The Second Fattest Ever Housewife Out of Westport Will in Time Both Outpace and Outlive You".

You can catch a lot of germs on the 5:15

Cut to James Woods getting fired 30,000 times.

In unrelated news, UK DJs gently rub their necks and breathe sighs of relief.

Does he insist on singing it, though? He's a good singer, but when he sings Smiths songs, it just reminds me that Morrissey isn't there.