
Yeah, modern hospitals encourage a variety of birthing options, including different positions (e.g. squatting) and water births, and have no problems with accompanying midwifes or doulas. Some employ midwifes on staff, and many offer classes on "alternative" (i.e. traditional, irony noted) birthing.

It always seemed like the most ridiculous combination of stereotypes about our neighbors to the south were that they are both lazy and stealing 'murican jobs. If you can figure out how to steal jobs while being lazy at the same time, please do let me know.

I made certain assumptions about your anatomy based on profile pic, but it ends there.

I think you mean Producer Day, as opposed to Moocher Day, which, to hear some people talk, is apparently every other day.

Hey, you can pry my weekends, health insurance, 8-hour days, job security, pension, and safety conditions out of my cold, dead… oh right, too late.

I felt that way about the scene with Quicksilver in X-Men Days of Future Past.

[cracks neck twice, in time with music]

The do specifically mention "broke ass", though, and laugh that a dude would try to get with them with no money, no, they don't think so.

Let's be honest with ourselves: No one derives fun from a game of Risk.

I'm not going to read the article, and instead assume that this is some Buffy prequel/world-building show. It's a better world when I assume stuff, I assume.

Oh, I get it. The joke is that inhabitants of a mostly-rural state practice incest so commonly that residents have coined a slang term to describe it. Well done.

Oh no—the pedant has become the pedantee!

There's no way he was in that shower long enough to adequately clean himself, but I guess California is in a drought.

Ahem, that's the modern day Frankenstein's monster police procedural. Otherwise, it would be ridiculous. Ha, imagine, a German scientist solving crimes in current-day America.

Sexy vampires—who says NBC isn't ahead of the curve?

Yeah, this is how I feel, too. I didn't think this would necessarily happen, but I'll pick up the record and see them if they pass through town.

I had that same relationship with Sam Adams.

"She checks out Mozart in her Lululemon, reminds that this song goes on and on hey hey hey

Oh man, I'd never seen the video until now. Does Train's Marketing Department really feel that their lyrics are so precious that they have to be animated on the otherwise un-besmirched streets of Los Angeles?