
There's a thing that I forgot existed, so thanks for that. Do you think they update it to more contemporary exercise fads/rhyming platitudes when they play it live? And you know they play it live, maybe bookending the rest of the set. "She checks out Mozart while she does cross fit, reminds me that there's time to

I always assumed that Train's marketing department heard that Regina Spektor song "On the Radio" and thought, 'Hey guys, we can totally talk about other songs in our songs! Quick, what's the laziest rhyme available?'

Well, it's no "You All Everybody", but not everybody can be Drive Shaft.

The Surfer Rosa version is longer and with more instrumental flourishes, kind of like how Jane's Addiction included different versions of "Jane Says" on their first and second records. You get the sense that they liked the song so much that they wanted to give it proper attention when they had more time/budget

Oh wow, I just realized that there's probably a tattoo corollary to Rule 34, which means that more than likely, someone is walking around with NBC's logo permanently proclaiming Must See TV on the small of their back.


Good point. Banana peels are probably right up there with juggling balls and that thing on a stick (jester scepter? try saying that three time fast) in every jester's practical tool kit.

The headline could have been "Famous director to perform publicity stunt while undercutting professional crew".

I just assumed he bought one of those hats at a theme park at some point in his past, and has been trying to justify it ever since.

Oh yeah, that's a two popped collar minimum name.

Am I the only one who wonders where he got the banana peels? Rather than being happy to see me, does he carry bananas in his pocket?

I still don't understand why Mulaney was so bad. Mulaney's standup is hilarious, and the chemistry between the three roommates seemed good. Some great supporting actors and some plot contrivances that should have been fun. But every episode was a struggle and although some had their moments, it was mostly painfully

There are many things in this world that I can't claim to understand; continued adoration of Martin Short is among them. I get that he's a comedy legend, but I don't get why. He was the worst thing about Mulaney, and that's saying something (yes, even worse than the tone-deaf "hipster" stand-in character).

Late 30 here. I wouldn't call it a major touchpoint for my generation, but I enjoyed it as a kid, probably because it's a proper (if slightly subversive) adventure movie except with unsupervised kids in the same roles grownups usually fill. I recently saw a showing at the local beer-having movie theater, and was

Watch out, lads. If we let them be doctors, next thing they're going to want suffrage and property rights.

Hopes for a Carmen Miranda biopic dashed, once again.

No Moloko Plus?

I'm probably not the only one who tried a White Russian for the first time because of this movie (and a lingering Naked Gun reference), but I can't be the first one who did so and found it delicious.

I'm assuming there's also traum-com floating around somewhere, which is just a collection of "Too soon?" jokes.

Tell the truth, AV Club: You heard/coined the term mom-com and were just looking for an opportunity to use it, right?