
Close, but no cigar. Listen to that third note/chord in the progression.

Whew. Now I can sleep tonight.

It's always nice to hear unreleased stuff from a band you like that hints at a direction untaken. I'm glad they went with a more high-energy sound, but this is cool, too.

Not to mention leaving pancake batter sitting out all night.

I totally forgot Peewee had a dog. Who fed it while he was on that big adventure?

So this guy is basically unemployable now, right?

Does anyone else feel like this image would be improved 100% if he were riding a Vespa instead of a motorcycle?

It'll be Live at Winterland for me. I love how Hendrix was never afraid to throw some covers in there, especially since he covered Cream during the frenemy years with Clapton.

You guessed it…

Pleased to Meet Me, where the original cast meets up for some kind of Big Chill-type midlife crisis/reunion and eventually learns to reconcile the teenage ideals they had with the adults they've become… ugh, I feel like just typing this is going to make the comment get green lit.

Seeing them older and playing their biggest hit as a bluesy ballad bummed me out for some reason. Had to listen to the album version as a palate cleanser.

…but when?

That principle pops up surprisingly often. It's almost like reflecting on experience is an effective tool for learning.

Get ready to have some strong opinions, teenage girls and middle-aged music critics!

I think being that dude is very often a step in not being that dude anymore, at least in personal experience.

Because patriarchy.

How old is that in dog years?

There's a fairly well-entrenched tendency in some circles to be wary of any dude who spends more time saying he's a feminist or "one of the good ones" than showing it, with good reason.

Working title: Six Silent Days, Seven Deadly Nights

They should make a movie based on her classic song "9 to 5".