
Oh wow, the puns are going to be unbearable.

So if I just watch the first hour or so, I'm safe, right?

Two things et al.

I would be all over a Tina Fey fantasy show.


For sure, in a preventative way. By the time you've noticed it, it's too late.

Kindergarten Cop II: This time, it is a tumor.

Don't forget tattoos. Having even one tattoo from many years ago is considered proof that you currently have disposable income and therefore automatically disqualifies you.

They're not wrong about the cow stench, though.

Only the most immature and cliched varieties!

Here's a little tidbit from a review of Yale: "giving them a rating is therefore an onerous task. i can't average the two parts. i have to choose, and it would seem an arbitrary choice. i'm going to make it randomly now by starting my watch chronograph, then stopping it and using the hundredths as a multiplier with 2.

Have they considered 13-year-old me? Because that guy would have definitely had some ideas.

Still, this among the less-dumb band gimmicks.

I think they review anything that's submitted. For example, 30 people give a one-star rating to the city Oakland, CA, a municipality of 400,000 people that's reviewed on the basis of factors like its restaurant scene, traffic enforcement methods, and coded racism.…

I use it sometimes, but the reviews aren't really worthwhile. For a review to mean anything, you kind of have to research that reviewer's other reviews to see if they just hate (or love) everything or if they (dis)like a restaurant that you (dis)like. Then it gets into a weird psychological rabbit hole, and you're

I'm torn. On the one hand, Yelp was almost designed to give every little vindictive petty tyrant even more power over the customer service workers and small business owners they feel wronged by. Imagine that terrible group of patrons that you had to endure with a smile last week stepping on a human business–forever. I

Not the Pike Brothers! They're the most feared alt-bluegrass singer-songwriters in all the land.

Wow, that image is an awful confluence of pseudo-spooky signifiers (You know what really scares the kids? Arts and Crafts-era typography!) and aggressive photoshopping, but you have to hand it to him for taking the "there's nothing up my sleeves" approach to its logical conclusion.

Eh, the studio pays their money and takes their choice. They invest/gamble in entertainment products on the chance that enough people will like them, and the investment pays off or not. Sometimes it pays off a whole lot, sometimes they take a big loss, and sometimes they break even, as they did here.

Did anyone else think the interspecies love issue was among the least-implausible parts of this whole movie? I recommend watching it with as many people as possible, so that you'll have a greater chance of not missing subtle-but-crucial plot points, without which the movie makes even less sense.