
Not in the Fake Newseum?

He's often the best part of @Midnight

I hope he goes nuts at some point, a la Adventureland.

Also, "Litigious Frankie"? Work on your mob movie nickname game, AV Club. It would clearly be something like Frankie Lawsuits or Court Fees Carbone.

And now he gets to live the rest of his life like a schnook.

Nobody can truly replace Robert Englund, but it would be fun to see Johnny Depp bookend this thing by playing Freddy.

The Castro Halloween party would have been a great place to set a horror movie, actually. Tons of people from all over the area, Halloween theme, everybody in costume…

Terry Crews playing against type as a doting father of twin baby girls.

Bet you five bucks, I swear it.

Yeah, those vocals are so Springsteen that there's a sandwich named after them on the shore, and there's not a shimmery guitar to be seen. Not sure the Smiths connection unless they plan on fighting over it later and the guitarist plays his own version live with inferior vocals.

This, surely, is the logical conclusion of his argument with David Rawlings about Morrissey.

A gentleman never tells. Not sure that applies here, though.

Yeah, it's an interesting question. We could forgive Joy Division because the were kids when they started and laid off the imagery as they grew up, or because using swastikas was a surprisingly common shock technique among UK punks at the time (ironic, that), or because the band name and the intelligence of their

You're assuming that the boys' and girls' souls are valued equally.

Not the record we need, but the one we deserve.

Ayep, that's why they were mentioned.

Idea: Send one of the duck guys into the swamp to find a wife. Then after a properly chaste first-season courtship, the baby-making can begin. You're welcome, TLC.

Can't they just get the duck hunters to hyper-procreate? Problem solved.

I mean, we can make fun of these Gathering of the Juggalos also-rans all day, but in the end, they're just using controversial iconography they don't understand to be shocking, like if early Joy Division were really dumb and liked GWAR for all the wrong reasons.

I blame that first Tori Amos CD artwork.