
Never underestimate the power of self-delusion. There really are guys who feel entitled to relationships because they are "nice" or "good", but aren't really interested in what the objects of their desire desire (yes, people of all gender identities face unrequited love, but the entitled part seems to be mostly a male

Why, so you can tell everyone?

He was great on The Moth.

According to the article, the kids put up "Who you gonna call?" sing in the window, so it seems like they were familiar with the concept of Ghostbusters and that filming was taking place. And movie shoots are exciting to kids, arguably more so before the movie comes out.

Maybe they're just mad that the Ghostbusters got away with parking in an ambulance spot due to a technicality.

Wait, the path to success on Instagram isn't just taking photos of heavily filtered urban flotsam? That explains a lot about my lack of followers.

Sure, we can talk about it. What I see is a public figure asking for graphic design work for free, and offering exposure as compensation. I tried the same thing with a plumber, but he wasn't interested for some reason. The fact that he could easily pay for it, and the fact that he's a pretty likable dude are side

If you care about your brand, then yes.

Words to fear: "this should be easy for you"

Not really. If the people who hire professionals knew exactly what they wanted, it would be much easier on the service providers. Usually, it's more like "I want a thing for this thing… you figure out the details", which is fine, because that's part of the service.

It's Ennui-man!

Yeah, it's been a weird reversal of culturally-accepted practices. At the time, bands were tempted to sign to major labels for the distribution with the risk that the label might end up embargoing your record (which happened to this band's second LP), and the only thing crasser than singing to a major was licensing

Well now I feel like I've done a disservice to the city of Sacramento. Sacramento has all the stuff you'd expect a city of that size to have, like a few decent show venues, good parks, old timey ice cream shops, and a bar where you can go to be snobby about Belgian ales. The downtown is mostly state buildings and

It really is a very nice bike path and stretches about 25 miles, but it does leave Sacramento almost immediately.

But mostly northern California. It is pretty cute when kids say things like "I'm hecka tired".

Sacramento's not so bad… it has a really nice bike path, a downtown street grid that you can almost play Battleship on, and the band Hella. It is, however, surrounded by the scariest kinds of white people.

This hate song makes me feel like a room without a roof. So, I guess… exposed?

I went back and listened to the first record. It's definitely of its time, but good. I can see how the record was too slick for college radio or underground-type outlets, but too "alternative" for mainstream success. Bummer.

"Your father seems to have the devil in him."
Gavin: "No, it's 64 ounces of navy rum."