
The classics never go out of style.

I like to think that the AV Club has a big whiteboard just filled with descriptions of Donald Trump, and every time they use one they cross it off the list.

You don't just get a buzz cut when you have Jon Hamm hair.

One sentence from that piece sums up his comedy perfectly (paraphrasing): "I hate myself for making that joke, but I'm asking them to leave it in, because it's funny."

Pedant alert: The "stars and bars" refers to a different confederate flag, not the confederate battle flag that adorns the General Lee and a million rusted out pickups. It's important to get your white supremacist iconography straight.

Pedant alert: The "stars and bars" refers to a different confederate flag, not the confederate battle flag that adorns the General Lee and a million rusted out pickups. It's important to get your white supremacist iconography straight.

"We could cite on and on and on and neither of us will concede."

"I want to relate to the kids. What's that hip new program they're all watching these days?"

I'd like to think that this is Carrey's long-running "is he for real?" performance gag, a la his idol Andy Kaufmann. But probably not.

Your move, Drake.

Yeah, the third guy from the left edges the band photo from "aging post-hardcore band" to "urban gardening catalog".

Yeah, way to remind us about the inexorable passage of time, AV Club.

I'm still waiting for the Wavves/Diiv collaboration, Diivves.

How is this not the actual title of the movie?

Despite how things might seem, Fox News is in the business of generating ratings rather than ideological or policy change. So it's not too surprising that they lean into the crazy ones, because out of two cheetoh-hued bloviators, wouldn't you be more entertained by Trump's outsized megalomania than Boehner prattling

But now where can we see publicly objectified women? Oh right, nearly everywhere else.

I wish they could include the intro song before this one on Closer, Pinion. The buildup is killer.

Nah, NIN always seemed more focused on sonic textures and dynamic changes than Ministry. I'm sure the influence is there, just based on timing, but you probably don't think "How did they make that sound?" very often when you're listening to Ministry.

[Stan Lee tweets Paul Feig's private email address.]

Judging by the 100,000,000 commercials I've seen, it's the Family Guy voice with the "pahk the cah" facer increase about 20%. But I just meant the idea of disguising reprehensible words in an intentionally cute presentation.