
I suppose, in the sense that if my legs were to decide to remove themselves from my body, I might try and keep them with me rather than remaining legless and opening the option for other appendages to strike out on their own. We can't pretend that the act of succession wouldn't been assumed to precipitate military

You seem to suggest that succession is not an act of war, and that the North "went to war." War was brought to this country by succession, and succession was almost entirely predicated on slavery. It was a little more complicated than that, but underlying reason always comes back to slavery.

I don't know why it's so hard to say something like "We were never meanin' no harm, but have since come to realize that although we attributed positive meanings to this symbol, for the vast majority of Americans, it represents a way of life and violent struggle predicated on slavery and racial injustice, and as such,

I like to imagine that it's like in the Blues Brothers, with Billy Corgan going around to everyone's place of work and saying "We're getting the band back together. We're on a mission from Me."

Despite all his rage?

Whither Tommy Lee?

I also know that sometimes people act against their own best interests. Sometimes willfully, sometimes not.

Good catch. Maybe this is from the prequel that lays out the origin story, when the Duke boys weren't yet felons. Or maybe the continuity editor had a little too much white lightning.

Cool, sounds like institutional racism is solved then.

So we can expect a mid-franchise slump with Independence Tea Time?

I'm looking forward to the prequel, Independence Day: Memorial Day

Independence 2Day

How can this movie be called anything other than Independence Night?

I listened to it expecting some blandly non-offensive '90s alt rock, but it really is worse than the sum of its parts. It seems like it should be the introduction to a list of new appetizers at Chili's.

It's cute that they list Mr. Big as a supergroup.

I just now realized that Sugar Ray is a different band than Third Eye Blind. I mean, I must have known it all along, but there they are, conflated.

Agreed. Better Sugar Uncle sounds way too creepy.

I agree that this band will be the reason people across the country the leave the state fair early this summer, but you have to appreciate how they're just owning it by calling the band "Uncle Ezra Ray".

It greatly depends whether they're telling you on Saturday night or Sunday morning.