
This rumor's favorite record? Tusk, by Fleetwood Mac.

I'm just happy that Matt Pike is wearing a shirt.

He did, however, manage to ask Obama if they were good.

Wow, Marc Maron really did ask the president who were his guys.

"…and they can't sing." Pretty harsh, Ron, pretty harsh.

I wonder if Cosby's lawyers are nostalgic for the simpler days when all they had to do was write cease-and-desist letters about irreverent parodies.

The War of Northern Consensual Aggression.

This sums it up about as succinctly as anything I've read recently, and has a level of snark that the AV Club can surely appreciate: http://www.thetattooedprof….

I have a young relative who definitely purchased a guitar and started taking lessons for the expressed purpose of learning her songs. And she did.

Careful, that's the kind of talk that gets a song written about you.

Hmm… on the one hand, this clearly benefits musicians. On the other hand, it's frightening to think that Taylor Swift has the power to influence gigantic corporations. We can only hope she uses her power for good.

I think she's the female Melissa McCarthy.

They do not appear to be afraid of no ghosts, so that's good. This movie is going to be pretty fun.

Al Madrigal has a Dennis Miller-esque smugness that's unappealing. Check his standup for more. I'm not saying he's not funny, but he also frequently comes off as kind of a dick, which you can get away with as a correspondent, but isn't a great quality in an anchor.

Of the current correspondents, I think Jessica Williams would be really funny, but she's made it pretty clear that she is not interested. For former correspondents who aren't currently hosting their own shows, Wyatt Cenac would be just sardonic and laid back enough to have an interesting take on it, and Aasif Mandvi's

Oops, you answered first. And better. Edit: up voted for "chucklefucks".

At some point, Marc Maron was up for SNL, which I think is a rite of passage for all NYC comedians of certain level of success. He did not get the gig, and he finds a way to talk about that to every guest who's even tangentially related to SNL, very often focusing on Lorne Michaels' apparently inscrutable personality.

I kinda hope not. Lorne Michaels is his Castle.

I'm looking forward to his appearance on Judge John Hodgman, where he seeks justice against Biden for constantly eating all the snacks but never buying any in "Commander in Chips".

I was just wondering how he'd shoehorn in a question about Lorne Michaels.