
"So, President Obama… are we good?"

Then you're my fact-checking cuz.

I would love to know if Scott Kannberg goes by Spiral Stairs when he's not making records or writing essays. Like, "Spiral Stairs, party of four" or "Spiral Stairs, the proctologist will see you now".

I expect that it will appear to be cryptic, but on further examination will be just phrases that sound neat together and kind of rhyme.

It feels weird to find myself defending ads with a reference to maybe the most anti-commercial band of all time, but that's not what I'm doing here. The comparison to the atmosphere and mood of an album isn't great, because unlike LPs, television has traditionally been an ad-supported medium and most shows are

He fell in love with a cinnamon swirl, and used it as hair dye.

Do jagoffs exist outside the Pittsburgh metro area?

It seems like he saw Berlusconi and thought, sure, why not?

I'm assuming Kevin Spacey responded graciously with a folksy aside involving both an accent that ranges from the Mississippi Delta to Chapel Hill and an extended metaphor about beagles.

No disrespect meant toward Van Morrison, but is the Queen conferring knighthood on an Irish person an honor, or is it just really the poshest version possible of taking the piss?

I can feel your pain. I really want Dischord to re-release that last Fugazi record on four 7" picture discs, one for each band member. It's simple for them to do it (they already have the logistics chain set up and Bob knows that band loves ornate packaging), and there's no good reason for them not to do it (think of

You can always click the "is this ad relevant to you?" button, but that's more info collection.

Not really. I don't know why people think that work like music or TV shows doesn't cost money to create, and why they feel entitled to pirate that work if it's not immediately available in the exact form they desire (i.e. ad-free).

Counterpoint: It works great on my 5-year-old consumer-level computer and phone. I can see how technical issues would be frustrating, though.

Not just ads, the same three ads. It almost makes me feel bad for them, like can't they get a wider breadth of advertisers?

I don't know… seems like media is commenting because media has to comment about something, and no news cycle is complete until there are a few thinkpieces about "what does it all mean?". Also it's such a ready-made story with a few ironic twists and a protagonist who incredibly has enough chutzpah to double down

Yeah, I'd always heard the Stooges and the MC5.

Is Donald Trump aware that this isn't Italy?

"Don't ask what the riblets are. No one knows."