
Maybe Tonya Harding was a bad example. America was clamoring to know what happened to Nancy Kerrigan because her leg didn't just break itself, whereas it seems like most people were content to accept the Ockham's Razor explanation that a depressed junkie finally decided to off himself.

You could just as easily ask why they care about Mad Max: Fury Road, or any movie that produces these tempest in a teacup reactions, really. I think people bring it up because it was a ridiculous response, the intensity of which helps to illustrate how ridiculous they are.

Yeah, I would like a roundup of the wackier conspiracy theories, just out of morbid curiosity.

Seth Myers mentioned how one always thinks of Dave Letterman as dressing the same, but when you see the montage of his career, huge changes in even conservative men's fashion become apparent. Which means the suits I bought in the early '00s might not be as basic and timeless as I'd hoped.

By all accounts, she seems to be a terrible person and is literally a criminal by virtue of heroine use, so it's not a huge leap for folks to believe that she could also be a murderer. That does not make her a murderer, of course.

Well, everyone knows Cobain died of drug-induced suicide. What this film presupposes is… maybe he didn't?

Downvoted for the missed opportunity to use "realm".

Yeah, my first thought on reading this was the white-hot tears of anguish and thoughtless think pieces from MRAs that this will inspire. Also, Hemsworth was pretty funny on SNL, so he's got that going for him.

But who played the Pavement sound-alike that played at commercial breaks?

Sweet, that's like $1/drum.

That was a weird quirk of the '90s. I recently saw an early Friends episode, and was surprised to remember how huge clothing (and hair) used to be.

I love a song that shouts out the designated driver in the first verse.

Even as a fairly pretentious student, this movie always seemed like a fun teen comedy, and I liked it. Somehow, the very lightness of it (despite dealing with Serious Issues) and its lack of verisimilitude made it seem not pandering like Reality Bytes and added to the enjoyability. Of course, having a crush on Liv

I think the thing about that movie is that Ben Stiller the director really is Ben Stiller's character. He's a little older and a lot more ingratiated to the then-mainstream, and he seems to be trying to piece together a movie out of observed cultural phenomena. It's like he was cool kid-adjacent rather than a cool

Waffles… iron-y… I see what you did there.

I forgot all about Hum and "Stars".

18.9%? Talk about your Great Rock n Roll Swindle.

Just imagine stepping into the immersive world of Take On Me.

It's fun to navigate it away from where she's standing, and then just see her pop into the frame, like "oh hi there, it's me, Bjork!"

Same. Edited: It's the most recent version of FF for Mac. Don't know whether that makes a difference.