
This is definitely at least as good as all the other bands who use these same descriptions.

The latter article is the Gawker one I was referring to. The former article is interesting. It's clear that she's referring to Louis CK without saying so, but she stops short of saying what he actually did besides being a "known perv" and treating her weird. It's unfortunate that someone will have to come forward and

Yeah, that's a good point. I wonder what they'll draw from for a plot. Maybe Preludes & Nocturnes?

I hope those guys have a good sense of humor and don't take him into court.

It's been a while, but I can't remember the Sandman actually punching anyone. Getting in word battles, sure, but not actual physical violence.

Do we have confirmation on this? The best article I saw on it came from Gawker (which is saying something), and even they were explicit that it is all rumors at this point.

Doesn't Buzz Osborne think everything is about 95% bullshit? By that standard, the movie looks pretty good.

Yeah, I've never heard anything but that. And you don't earn a ton of feminist cred by physically attacking Kathleen Hanna for no apparent reason.

And was the east coast/west coast beef about actual beef, like hamburgers?

Our local schools just finished today, but if they'd had more snow days, they could have easily gone into mid-June.

You have to understand that Marco Rubio is the closest any of these people will ever get to someone that has heard the rap music, and they're just curious about it.

Just think, someone's job was to secure rights to use a registered trademark for a ridiculously-named character.

Jerry laments his old friend's state. He knows that as soon as he gets home, his own friends would ask Jerry why he didn't try and stop Tom. He would have to tell them that he believes that "it's better this way, and for the first time since he met her, he will be happy"..

I remember that run as a kid, and thinking it was really weirdly dark for a contemporary of Dagwood and Marmaduke.

How many drinks do you have to order before they'll let you order the food?

I thought the war on The War on Drugs was funny, but this is another thing altogether. Not to armchair analyze the guy, but it sounds like something is going on. Or he really is just an utter asshole.

Working title: "Rock and a Hard Place". Alt: "A Stone's Throw".

I know a doctor you might call about that.

Yeah, I think that's probably it. Withholding judgement until I actually see the film (if ever), it does seem like poor decisions were made more often than not this time around. I have no doubt that Crowe really does know someone like this because the whole "I may not pass as [x] but I can claim that cultural

I'm a little surprised that Ian never called Dave, high school kid or not. I know at least two people who wrote him when they were kids, and they both received thoughtful responses.