
No way, Guy Clark's friendship with Townes Van Zandt alone places him somewhere in the pantheon of "I like some country, but like real country, the classic stuff, not the stuff that gets played on the radio" musicians. I'm sure there are a few ILCBLRCTCSNTSTGPOTR folks at the AV Club.

Yeah, that did seem like an oddly egotistical and petty question, even for an actor. "Of the many roles I've played on the small screen, whose elaborate backstories I presume you're familiar with, which one would you rather have possess you?"

Being poisoned might be the preferred death for a bluesman, but it's also possible that he was very old and very ill.

It's so bad that I secretly think he's doing it just to be a misanthrope and inflict it on people (aka The Keillor Method).

At least the ghost of Elliott Smith isn't being tarnished on this one.

Completely agree. Mike Doughty's words and pseudo-beat delivery were a big part of what made Soul Coughing enjoyable and unique, but no more so than the upright bass, drums, and keyboards/samples were.

Oh nice. I haven't watched a movie on Hulu in so long that I didn't realize they stopped putting ads in them.

Not to sound like a corporate shill, but I'm actually reasonably satisfied with my Hulu Plus subscription as a TV substitute. We don't pay for cable or have an antenna, so we use it to watch everything we would have watched on TV. The mobile app seems to work pretty well. There are ads, but if I watched those shows

I immediately cadences it to "you and me and the devil makes three".

It took me forever to figure out why that voice is so familiar. That's right, it's Frank Stallone.

Right? Who is this commercial even for? Is McDonald's looking to shore up its slightly emasculated husbands demo? Aspirational youngsters looking forward to one day talking petty lies to their own wives?

Vanderslice has done some really nice stuff over the years, and some stuff I like less, but I'll forgive him anything since he gave us maybe the best HateSong ever (ok, tied with Jon Wurster's).

I'm just gratified to see that other people find Caillou as objectionable as the I do. I felt so… alone…

No Sophia the First? Because it's the worst.

The only redeeming thing about Caillou is that some seasons are available in dubbed in Spanish. For someone like me who can barely manage one language but is raising a bilingual child, I can turn on the dubbed version of Caillou, letting his little four-year-old nonsense wash over me non-comprehensibly while being

But that theme song, ugh. I will be humming "Growing up is not so tough except when I've had enough…" all damned day.

Ha, that's a good point, but I do remember the bands, just not the order (I think it was Sonic Youth, who were great).

Yeah, unnecessarily removing mystery was my biggest gripe with the prequels (ahem, midichlorians).

This, plus he's seen a whole lot more than he's heard (at least in Episodes IV–VI, which lends an air of mysterious baddassery. Of course, he has one of the silliest deaths possible, which takes away from it a bit.